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Pure rye flour does not contain any wheat. However, most commercial rye breads include a mixture of both rye and wheat flours. It is important to note that many persons on a wheat-free diet suffer from celiac disease, which is an intollerance to gluten, a sugar found in wheat and other grains. Since rye does contain gluten, it is not a suitable wheat-alternative for individuals on a gluten-free diet.

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Q: Does rye flour contain wheat
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Does rye flour have gluten?

Yes, it is a member of the same family of grains as wheat. Avoid rye if you have coeliac disease. The grains in question are wheat, rye, barley, kamut, spelt, and triticale. There are other grains that have gluten but not the same type that causes a reaction in Celiac patients, such as corn. If you have a wheat allergy, not coeliac, you CAN have rye.

Is rye a whole grain?

If you actually meant "whole wheat" bread, then no. Rye is a different type of grain than wheat. If you meant "whole grain" bread, then the answer is "not necessarily." Check the label for the ingredients. Some rye breads contain white flour, for example, which is not a whole grain flour.

Is flour wheat?

Usually flour does contain wheat.

What are Rye breads?

Rye breads are made with a mixture of rye flour and wheat flour because rye flour by itself does not possess the chemical properties necessary to produce a leavened product

Is rye a grain?

All grains are whole grains until they are milled and processed. Rye is a grain like wheat. Modern rye bread is mostly wheat flour with a slight addition of rye flour for flavor and texture.

Is rye flour healthy?

if its hole wheat probably

What is the substitute for rye flour?

Rye flour has a very distinctive flavor and less gluten than wheat flour (all-purpose flour). So it is not advisable to substitute it for all-purpose. Even when making good rye breads you do not use 100% rye flour.

Where does pumpernickel bread come from?

No, pumpernickel is a bread made from rye flour.

What grain is made into bread?

Flour - Makes white bread Wheat - Makes "wheat bread" and "whole wheat" if you use the entire grain Rye - Makes rye bread

Does rye flour contain proteins that produce gluten?


Where can rye bread be grown?

It is impossible to grow rye bread. Bread is a manufactured product. It is made from processed substances. Normally the main ingredient is flour made from wheat. Wheat is a grain that farmers grow in fields. It can be made from some other substance. To make flour, you take wheat and you run it through a mill which crushes it and turns it into flour. To turn it into bread, you add water, and yeast, and other ingredients, and let it rise, and then bake it. Rye is another grain. It also grows out in a field just like wheat does. You grind up rye and make rye flower. Normally, you do not make rye bread. You add rye flour to wheat flour and make wheat and rye bread. Rye can be grown in many places in the United States.

Is gluten in wonder bread?

Yes. Most packages will not say "gluten". The first ingredient in wonder bread is "bleached enriched wheat flour". If you see anything that says wheat, rye, barley, or oats, (and various other words), if DOES contain gluten. Yes. Most packages will not say "gluten". The first ingredient in wonder bread is "bleached enriched wheat flour". If you see anything that says wheat, rye, barley, or oats, (and various other words), if DOES contain gluten.