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Maybe, but see a pet doctor about that.

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Q: Does small doses of chocolate over time accumulate in dogs?
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Related questions

Why is chocolate bad for cats and dogs?

Chocolate contains cocoa, and cocoa contains the compound theobromine. Theobromine is toxic to dogs and other animals at certain doses. Chocolate poisoning is a problem that occurs mainly in dogs but also occurs occasionally in cats or other animals.

Is it safe to give dogs honey?

Dogs can consume honey in small doses and still be fine.

Can small dog have chocolate?

No for dogs chocolate is like poison. With big ones the just barf, but a small dog may not survive.

Will a york-shire terrier die from eating chocolate?

It could, depending on how much chocolate it eats. Small dogs are especially in danger from chocolate.

What in chocolate makes cats sick?

The chemical theobromine (related to the chemical caffeine) in chocolate is toxic to cats, their liver cannot metabolize it (the human liver can) allowing it to accumulate to dangerous levels, causing illness and often death in cats (and dogs) that consume chocolate.

What kind of chocolate make dogs sick?

Chocolate contains two substances: theobromine and cafeine.They are toxic to dogs as they cannot digest them . A small amount of chocolate can kill a small dog . Darker and the more sweeter the chocolate is the more dangerous it is . The lighter and more tasteless it is the more safer.

Why are dogs alergic to chocolate?

iv'e heard that your not suppose to give dogs chochlate but i gave my dog chochlate and he is a small dog and if u give small pieces of chochlate to small dogs it gives them organ damage but my little dog was fine and i keep giving it to him

Why do some dogs tolerate chocolate?

Chocolate is NEVER good for dogs, but sometimes it's not bad enough to be noticed. It's all about the size of the dog, the type and the amount of chocolate it has eaten. Dark chocolate, small dog - doesn't take much to be dangerous. Big dog, milk chocolate - not that dangerous.

Can chocolate make dogs blind?

Chocolate may kill dogs.

Can you give puppies benedrll?

That depends largely on the dog, but many dogs can have small doses of benadryl. Check with your veterinarian.

Can a 65 lb lab take 12 child's aspirin?

I thought aspirin was fatal to dogs even in small doses. Ask a veterinarian

Will chocolate cereal kill a dog?

No. There is not enough chocolate in cereal to harm your dog unless it is known to have a severe allergy. Some dogs are allergic to chocolate but most are not. The amount of chocolate in any cereal is very small.