

Does tap water cost more than bottled water?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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bottled water costs so much more than tap!

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Q: Does tap water cost more than bottled water?
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Does tap water cost more then bottled water?

Actually tap water is more regulated and pure than bottled water

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How is bottled water manufactured?

Bottled water is really made from.... water. Some comes from springs, some come from the NYC water system... some is filtered more than others...

Is bottle water better than tap water?

Depends on what company you're comparing tap water to. But most bottled water companies use filtered water (the same as tap water). In most cases bottled water is not purer than tap water. Note that tap water is not the same everywhere, not are all brands of bottled water the same. But legal requirements for water purity are the same for tap water as for bottled water. In some cases, bottled water actually is tap water, that has simply been taken from the tap and put into bottles.

What are some good bottled water companies?

I am a huge fan of Dasani water. You can find it at most grocery stores. It has a very clean taste. Bottled water is typically filtered more than tap water so you can be sure that bottled water has just water in it, none of the added chemicals.

Is bottled water a scam?

Yes. It's more expensive. Bottled water is 500 times more expensive than tap water. Bottled water requires ridiculous amounts of plastic to make all the bottles, which are then dumped in landfills and often kill wildlife. Bottled water is also exempt from the harsh quality standards that make sure tap water is very clean. learn more below --------------------------------------------------------- It depends on a person's point of view. I think bottled water is no scam for tap water is bad for you and can cause blockage in the intestines. But still it is true bottled water can get pricey in some countries.

What does bottled water contain to say it is better than tap?

because it's more freh.

Why not to buy water bottles?

There are many reasons not to buy bottled water. -Water is clean and cheap directly from your own faucet. -Creating water bottles is not eco-friendly at all. It is expensive and energy demanding to not only create the plastic, but to also ship the water in it to places. -Making bottles to meet Americans' demand for bottled water required the equivalent of more than 17 million barrels of oil in 2006, enough fuel for more than 1 million United States cars for a year, and generated more than 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide -Bottled water often contains more bacteria and impurities than tap water, because the EPA regulates municipal water systems more stringently than the FDA regulates bottled water And it is much cheaper to buy a water filter if you are concerned about your municiple water.

How many people would recommend filtered water?

Home filtered water usually gives you better quality water than bottled water. It is one tenth the cost of bottled water and has a good pure clean taste. "Therefore, while much tap water is indeed risky, having compared available data, we conclude that there is no assurance that bottled water is any safer than tap water." -- The Natural Resources Defense Council

Does metal rust faster in bottled water or lemon juice?

Metal rusts faster in lemon juice than it does in bottled water.

Is bottled water good or bad?

Bottled water is water in a bottle. Sometimes it's chlorinated, or some water that has been treated by either reverse osmosis or other ways. Supposedly it suppose to be healthier water, but in all truth... you remove all the bacteria, you lower your immunity. Ever notice that water IN water bottles EXPIRES? Natural water doesn't expire.

Is tap water better than bottled water?

No I don't think so.