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Q: Does the checks and balances currently work the way the framers of the Constitution intended?
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Why did framers feel the need to include checks and balances in the constitution?

The framers of the Constitution were very concerned about achieving a balance.

What was Devised by the framers of the Constitution to prevent the majority from ruling with an iron fist?

checks and balances

Why did the framers of the constitution create a systems of checks and balances?

The framers of the Constitution did not want the new government to become a Dictatorship. Dictatorships only have one leader and power goes unchecked.

Why did the framers of the constitution create the system of checks and balances?

The framers of the Constitution did not want the new government to become a Dictatorship. Dictatorships only have one leader and power goes unchecked.

Why did the framers and the constitution create a system of checks and balances?

The framers of the Constitution did not want the new government to become a Dictatorship. Dictatorships only have one leader and power goes unchecked.

What was the purpose of the Framers including a system of checks and balances in the constitution?

to prevent autocracy and majority tyranny

Why did the framers of the constitution develop a structure of government with three branches?

The framers of the Constitution developed a structure of government with ranches so that no one could hold absolute power. There is a system of checks and balances in place.

The ideas of checks and balances and the separation of powers suggest that the framers of the Constitution feared?

the concentration of too much power.

What did the Framers of the Constitution intend the legislature to do?

they intended it to have the legislative branch, executive branch, and the judicial branch.

What influenced the constitution?

The Constitution was influenced by the Articles of Confederation. When the framers wrote the Constitution, they had only intended to amend the Articles, but a whole new document emerged.

What did the framers agree should be part of the constitution?

The framers of the US Constitution had their differences, but they also had some things they agreed on. Some of these were the need to allow the people to have a voice in how they were governed and to include a series of checks and balances in the system of government.

To avoid having too much power concentrate in one branch of government the framers of the constitution established what?

the system of checks and balances