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If you used deductive reasoning, then the answer is yes, but there is no tangible proof.

What there is denial and misinformation, these are strategies implode, only when a incident has actually happen.


Since it has been rumored that the government was in possession of both dead and live Aliens, which would be almost impossible to stop all leaks of people sharing what they know, they created a very unbelievable cover up story that takes decades to be divulge fully with false information.


Even this is a ploy, they exasperate the misinformation so it is more attention getting story, so people's focus is on looking for information that does not exist, on site location of minor importance while others with more importance go undetected.


So using this line of thought, Aliens have visited earth involving our government, but not at any location the public is aware of, in completely different situation than is being rumored.


If Aliens were not involved in any of the rumored incidents, then the government would not classify matters surrounding incidents as top secrete, and it would not take years to view even a mostly blacked out documents.


Remember our Government on top secrete classified incidents, such Aliens involved with our government in anyway, will go to any length and cost such as adding false incidents, hiring people to pretend they are uncovering the truth when they are only adding misinformation, and of course hushing up real incidents.


Plus it is rumored the advancement in technology, is from backward engineering alien technology, it hard not to acknowledge and notice the increased speed of developing devices.

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14y ago
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15y ago

i dont know nobody does xcept the governent .try looking on Google if u r so interrested

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Not to the knowledge of the civilian population. If they have, they are keeping it secret.

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Independence Day = documentary

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Q: Does the government have aliens
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