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Narcissists seek to destroy only people who threaten their inflated and grandiose self-image (False Self). When threatened with looming intimacy, they simply disappear from the scene or discard and devalue the person in their own minds.

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Q: Does the narcissist destroy more fully the person to whom they are frightened of loving or becoming attached to?
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The narcissist only wanted needed you to supply their need at that time. Now they have the contract job they don't have a need for you until you have something else that they want that is when they will need you again. If you don't have anything they want to nourish their narcissist supply the have no problem writing you off and forgetting that you ever existed. They have no empathy RUN do not stay in contact with them they will destroy you.

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If you ignore a narcissist will he continue to try to contact you?

No he will leave you alone, you are of no use to him now the best way to get rid of a narcassist is to cut all ties from them they bore when you don't play their game and will look for their next victim to destroy.

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How does a Narcissist feel when his ex is in theraphy and her self esteem and self respect is being restored?

Simple. In two words: Frightened and Threatened. Narcissists are often originally drawn to confident people with high self-esteem. That is because they need to use them, rest in their light for a while so to speak, then they suck the life out of them when they are not always receiving the adoration they need. If you criticize just once, you pay. The attacks start, and the narcissist is then on a road to lower your self-esteem to make you dependent and frightened so you do not leave them. The thing is, they are the ones dependent on YOU! They are frightened that if you are gone they will not be able to draw their Narcissistic Supply from you .Never, worry about the Narcissist. They survive in spite of acting like they won't (it is a ploy to manipulate and control you). They will play the victim for a while, but all the time they are just looking for another source of supply. Sadly, they will find some unsuspecting person who will be drawn into their web for a while and the cycle will repeat.The best way to improve your self-esteem is to get awayand continue your therapy. Let your therapist help you gain the strength to leave or you will NEVER, EVER get your self-esteem and self-respect back. As long as you stay with the narcissist he will chip away at you. He will remind you of your "sins" against him which is what he will consider your therapy. He will pretend he is supportive, initially, because he is too cowardly to fight you. But underneath he is furious and very FRIGHTENED that you will figure him out and leave him, and he will not have you to insult or belittle anymore in order to boost his own ego. And, after you stop your therapy, he will get even more aggressive in his attempts to beat you down. Narcissists are always plotting to emotionally destroy those closest to them. It is their basic trait.I would like to add this:I could not agree more on what is said above. Your therapist is your best ally on these situations, they are trained on all aspects of the human mind, so to speak. And yes , they know exactly how the narcistic person operates. Never fear.PS: I am psychology major taking advanced courses. ! Hope I have been of service.

Why isn't destroy all humans 3 path of the furon for ps2?

Because of all the new game systems ps2 is becoming obsolete