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Each tick equates to a clock cycle.

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Q: Each tick of the system clock equates to a?
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Difference between system tick and processor clock?

Based on the Crystal used in the circuit, and the divisor selection, the processor clock frequency is obtained the tick time is the min clock cycles required to do a nop operation

Write an algorithm for Round Robin CPU scheduling using?

On each system clock tick, at interval set by design...If no other runnable threads, return from clock interrupt.Save the currently running thread's context.Restore the next runnable thread's context.Return from clock tick interrupt.Note: Most modern schedulers combine round-robin with priority. In the priority scheme, any runnable thread with a higher priority than the interrupted thread takes precedence. If there are none, then round-robin applies at the current priority. If there are no runnable threads at the current priority, lower priorities are considered until we reach the idle priority thread, which, by the way, is always runnable.Also, there is usually an algorithm that adjusts thread priority dynamically. As the thread runs, if it stays runnable its priority slowly drops from its initial base priority. If it is constantly blocking and then then becoming runnable, its priority increases, often faster than it decreases. This makes interactive threads appear to be very responsive, while CPU intensive threads slowly defer to interactive threads. This is usually a good compromise between responsiveness and throughput.

The tick event is found only in which object in visual basic?

The timer object or any object derived from a timer object. However, you can also create your own objects with a tick event. How that event is actually triggered is entirely up to you.

How surface finish symbolized?

It's a "tick mark", sometimes open, sometimes with a horizontal line on the end of the short leg and sometime with a circles nestled in the "v". Look in the link in the "sources and related links" down below for examples.

Sample code of c plus plus by using delay?

Unfortunately, there is no cross-platform method of forcing a delay. Microsoft uses the sleep function (with a 1 second resolution) while UNIX uses usleep (with 1 nanosecond resolution). However, neither method can be regarded as being accurate in a multi-processing environment -- both will sleep for "at least" the given time, but if the system is busy your application will continue to sleep until its next time-slice comes around. Although usleep has a resolution of 1 nanosecond (1 billionth of a second), the system's frequency determines the actual resolution. For instance if your system has a frequency of 25 million ticks per second, your resolution is only 25 microseconds, so you cannot sleep for any less than that. Plus you have to add on the time it takes to make the call. C++11 provides much better support for hi-resolution timers in the <chrono> header, so at least we now have a portable method of sleeping for a preset duration. However the duration is still "at least" -- background tasks can still prevent your program from waking up on time. The following example demonstrates how to print the current time and how to put your program to sleep for a duration. Note that we still have no portable method of obtaining the current time in a thread-safe manner -- but the code includes a portable workaround. #include<iostream> // std::cout, std::endl #include<iomanip> // std::put_time #include<sstream> // std::stringstream #include<chrono> // std::chrono (C++11) #include<thread> // std::this_thread (C++11) namespace my_std { // std::localtime is not thread-safe but there is // no portable alternative in the standard. Thus // we must define our own standards... tm localtime (const std::time_t& time) { std::tm snapshot; #if (defined (WIN32) defined (_WIN32) defined (__WIN32__)) localtime_s (&snapshot, &time); // Microsoft-specific #else localtime_r (&time, &snapshot); // POSIX #endif return snapshot; } }; // Returns the current time and date as a string. std::string current_time_and_date() { std::chrono::system_clock::time_point now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); time_t as_time_t = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t (now); std::stringstream ss; ss << std::put_time (&my_std::localtime (as_time_t), "%Y-%m-%d %X"); return ss.str(); } int main() { std::cout << "The current time is: " << current_time_and_date() << std::endl; std::cout << "Taking a nap for half-a-second..." << std::endl; std::this_thread::sleep_for (std::chrono::milliseconds (500)); // half-a-second std::cout << "The current time is: " << current_time_and_date() << std::endl; // 5-second ticker... std::chrono::system_clock::time_point now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); for (unsigned tick=0; tick<5; ++tick) { std::this_thread::sleep_until (now + std::chrono::seconds (tick)); std::cout << "Tick..." << std::endl; } std::this_thread::sleep_until ( now + std::chrono::seconds (5)); std::cout << "BOOM!" << std::endl; }

Related questions

What a tick of system clock equates to?

clock phase

Difference between system tick and processor clock?

Based on the Crystal used in the circuit, and the divisor selection, the processor clock frequency is obtained the tick time is the min clock cycles required to do a nop operation

What is the Doctor Who Night Terror's song?

At least, I got this off the episodes. tick tock, goes the clock, and what then shall we see? tick tock, until the day, that thou shalt marry me, tick tock, goes the clock, and all the years they fly, tick tock, and all too soon, you and i must die, tick tock, goes the clock, we laughed at fate and mourned her, tick tock, goes the clock, even for the doctor, tick tock, goes the clock, he cradled and he rocked her, tick tock, goes the clock, even for the doctor, tick tock, goes the clock, tick tock, goes the clock, tick tock, goes the clock, doctor, brave and good, he turned away from violence, when he understood the falling of the silence, tick tock, goes the clock, he cradled and he rocked her, tick tock, goes the clock, til river kills the doctor, tick tock, goes the clock, and all the years they fly, tick tock, and all too soon, your love will surley die,

How do say tick in Spanish?

The parasite is "garrapata". A tick of a clock is "tictac"

How is a pulse described as regular or irregular?

If you think of an old clock that ticks, it has a regular rhythm. Pulse can be regular like a clock.. tick...tick...tick... An irregular pulse has shorter or longer pauses between beats...ticktick...tick.......tick...tick...ticktick...

How do you use the word tick in a sentence?

Bobby always complained that the tick of his wind up alarm clock kept him awake so his mother bough him a silent electric clock.

Sound of clock?

'tick' only

Lyrics to tick tock on the clock?

kie$ha sings. is this the song, tick tock on the clock but the party... kie$ha sings it

What makes a clock tick?

A clock ticks because of the gears moving.

Does a clock make a sound?

some do when they tick...

What does the british slang term hold on a tick mean?

Wait a tick, hold on a tick, is asking you to wait a moment. A tick refers to the ticking of a clock.

What does a clock sound like?

A clock is commonly said to make the sound of 'tick tock' - the sound being made by a mechanical escapement.