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I was able to eat the same day although my throat was sore from tube. I only wanted jello though and of course COFFEE!

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Q: Eating solid foods after parotidectomy
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How does eating popsicles help when you are sick?

If you have trouble eating solid foods, popsicles may be edible.

Who conducts a parotidectomy?

Parotidectomy is performed in a hospital operating room , usually by an otolaryngologist

What is parotidectomy?

Parotidectomy is the medical term meaning surgical removal of the parotid gland.

What is the reason for having a parotidectomy?

The main purpose of parotidectomy is to remove cancerous tumors in the parotid gland.

What is Savisky syndrome?

Sweating and flushing in the preauricular and temporal areas when certain foods are eaten. May be related to parotid trauma or a complication of parotidectomy.

How old shih tzu puppies eat solid food?

They can start eating solid (usually kind of soupy) foods around 3 1/2 weeks.

Why is enyme rennin important to infants?

The rennin helps to clot the milk which turns the milk into a kind of solid. This helps to make the baby used to eating solid kinds of foods.

How often does Frey's syndrome occur after a parotidectomy?

Frey's syndrome may be experienced by up to 90% of patients to some extent and causes perspiration on that side of the face with eating

What is the most common complication of a parotidectomy?

The most common long-term complication of parotidectomy is redness and sweating in the cheek, known as Frey's syndrome.

Can babies be born with an intestinal parasite?

No, but they can acquire them not long after they begin eating solid foods (e.g. pured meat) if the food is contaminated.

How would you loose belly fat by eating certain foods?

You wouldnt' only by eating certain foods and not eating certain foods.

What kind of foods should someone with a positive blood type eat?

As of now there is no solid proof that eating foods based on your blood type has any real benefit. It is best to eat a wellrounded diet of foods that are good for you.