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Not a safe choice, as the klonopin will fire different chemicals in and out of your brain, while the seroquel will just knock you out. You will wake up confused and more or less with a hangover from your body recovering from what youv'e done. It isn't the safest thing to do, but hey with all these kids taking acid and e at the same really won't harm you much. Just let me know how that sleep is lol?

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Q: Effects of taking 400 mg Seroquel 3 mg Klonopin 400 mg Dilantin?
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PLease, PLease, PLease ask you doctor or pharm.D before taking any medications!!!

Im taking four 300mg seroquel at night am i able to take Valium 5mg and what is the side effects?

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I am prescribed both. Although clonazepam (Klonopin) will weaken the effects of phentermine (Adipex-P) and vice-versa, I have noticed no interactions.

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No you will not.

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AnswerSomeone is really looking for a trip to the Psyche ward with a possible ending at the morgue. Take what is prescribed for you, the possible side effects and negative interactions have been taken into consideration by your physician.Adderall helps my Cymbalta, leave that other stuff alone.

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Yes you can. I take 400 mg seroquel and 300 mg bupropion daily and I feel fine. However, both medications lower the threshold for seizures. When you take them together, this means that the chance that you will have an epileptic seizure will be bigger. Be careful with alcohol.

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Is taking lorazepam good for anxiety?

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What is the pregnancy risk category for seroquel?

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