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Enzymes play an important role in biological chemistry because they lower the amount of energy required for a reaction to take place. Co-enzymes are small non protein molecules that help the enzymatic reaction.

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What is enzymes important role in biological chemistry?

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What is the importance of enzymes in a biological process?

Speed up reactions by lowering the activation energy.

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because chemistry is the center sciencse

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restriction enzymes are important tools in genetic engineering because they just are!!

Do enzymes increase the activation energy of the reactions they catalyze?

yes because enzymes are highly weighted proteins which produced from living cells and used in industrial and biological processes

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chemistry is important because it is in cooking and if we cant cook then we would get sick

Do most enzymes increase the activation of the energy reactions they catalyze?

yes because enzymes are highly weighted proteins which produced from living cells and used in industrial and biological processes

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