

Explain about header files used in c language?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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list of header files in c and function prototype associated with each file

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Q: Explain about header files used in c language?
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What is the use of header files as used in C programming?

Header files are used to have declarations. It is simple to include a single header file than writing all the needed functions prototypes.

Why doesn't Java use header files?

A header file in C is used to import the features of parent classes in our class. The same feature is provided by the import statement in Java hence the header files are not used.

Why header files is used?

to merge the content of a file included

What is a header code?

Header codes, or tags, are used in html language. They are used to identify the page and can be text, banner or logo.

Why the header files have .h extension only?

Hi... It's pretty simple. The .h stands for the word "header." It's merely a C convention that has been used throughout the years. Conceivably, you could have "header" or "include" files with different extensions - the .h is the convention. John

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What is the Content-Type header field used for?

The content-type header field is used to explain what the body of the text is about. Specific media types and other details pertaining to the message can be specified in the field.

Header files used in c programs usually found in?

Directories, like /usr/include or C:\MYCOMPILER\INCLUDE

A program in c plus plus will run without an extension name CPP?

Yes. cpp is merely a convention to differentiate C++ source code from C source code, just as hpp is used to differentiate C++ header files from C header files (*.h). But they are just conventions, not rules: you can use any extension you like for both header and source files. For example, there's nothing to prevent you using the cpp extension for a header file. However, using the conventions makes it much easier to organise and recognise your files.

What is the difference between preprocessor directives and header files?

Preprocessor: All the preprocessor commands written in a high level language are processed by the preprocessor before compiler takes over.Example: "#define MAX_ROWS 10"Preprocessor finds all the places and replaces MAX_ROWS with 10 in the files of the project.Compiler: This software, converts the code written in high-level language into object file. Compiler converts all the files of a given project at once.

Explain what FTP is used for?

FTP means File Transfer Protocol, it is used to send larger packets of data than the traditional TCP/IP protocol. This is usually used when you download programs or documents from the internet.

What is the section is used for placing the text that appears in the beginning of every page?

The Header.