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Q: Explain the implications of mendel's law of segregation as it applies top the distribution of alleles in gametes?
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Explain the implications of Mendel's law of segregation as it applies to the distribution of alleles in gametes?

The law of segregation states that when the egg and sperm combine at fertilization, the alleles are restored in the paired condition. This means that each side's allele combines, and the dominance effects of Mendelian understanding of genetics comes into play.

Mendel's Law of segregation as it applies to the distribution of alleles in Gametes?

states that the two alleles for a traite segregate (separte) when gametes are formed.

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The seperation of alleles is called?


What is the seperation of alleles?

The law of segregation of alleles, the first of Mendel's laws, stating that every somatic cell of an organism carries a pair of hereditary units (now identified as alleles) for each character, and that at meiosis the pairs separate so that each gamete carries only one unit from each pair. This is called the law of segregation.

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if the pea plant has 2 recessive alleles then the plant is gonna come out short.but if it has 1 recessive and one dominant allele then the plant turns out tall, because the dominant allele can be present without the recessive allele.

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