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One viewAt first when I came across a website on the net about the dangers of the Atkins diet and started to read, I wondered if it were true or not, since some people like to put down anyone they don't like, often if a new and Great invention is made for instant, someone else ignorantly laughs and someone else will put them down for fun or because of jealousy and if it makes money another company selling something similar will put out rumours to say "that product causes cancers" and often theres' no proof either way. However, I kept on reading to see what the Atkins diet was and why it was being called bad.

I read there the diet was based on a lie or ignorance that Ketosis is good. Yet, years ago I suffered Ketosis and my Mum knew the smell of the breath of a person with Ketosis because she was a nurse and had to learn that particular smelly breath that means: the patient is having renal or kidney failure: and if they don't get fluids into their body with some sugar, they will die, this is done in hospitals, they put the drip in, or they get the patient to drink 1 glass of water with 1 tablespoon of sugar. But, Ketosis is a risk: if the patient does not get what their kidneys need, they will die. Some people's kidneys shut down quickly, others slowly. It depends on the intensity of the smell. People cannot often smell their own breath. No-one should, if they have any sense at all, want to nearly die just so they can get what they want: some sugar, at the last possible time.

ALSO: That diet is based on carbohydrate foods overdoses. Its' not good for anyone body-chemistry, and it also causes problems with the right balance of proteins, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fluids and so forth. Our bodies are made of much water, and we need to have fluids. People that go on fasts are recommended to fast or go without foods ONLY if they drink plenty of water, and for longer fasts more than 1 day, Orange Juice, organic orange juice is the best way to go. People's bodies need water, or fluids. Without the fluids, we die. Once the kidney shuts down (completely stops working), then the other organs shut down too, one by one: death can come swiftly or slowly, depending on the medical care. I had the unpleasant duty to say good-bye to a relative in hospital, as he was dying after an operation and a health problem. When I arrived at the hospital, his wife, an ex-nurse and a lovely person, told myself the doctors said he didn't have long to live because his organs were shutting down. She said when one organ shuts down, another one will do that, then the next, and if a doctor or a HEALER cannot stop that happening, its' death. OK so now we know about kidney/renal failure. If a person gets Ketosis, its' hard to know how soon they have to have those fluids, few can judge how long it IS before the sugar and water is too late. So some people DO die on the Atkins diet. Its' written down by an ignorant person who wanted to make money selliing a "new diet book" and was pretending to be a doctor, complete with fake bought-on-the Net so-called Ph.d. That person was quoted as saying she had 2 Ph.d's earned at University by the time she/he reached the age of five years old: that's ridiculous, given that one Ph.d takes 8-10 years of University learning to gain that honour, plus around primary school/grade school and then high school first. Later, a personal investigation of that person Atkins (not her/his real name, he/she just liked that name so called herself that), was a Horror, too. Unfortunately, that one wrote down any old thing about diet, and did NOT know not to pretend to be a doctor nor to know all about medicine and diet, unfortunately that one kept changing her/his mind about whether or not she wanted to be a woman or a man, and decided to be both. Silly idea.

Well, the next thing is also for real. Some time after I read this person's problem of faking knowing medicine, nutrition and diet, I was visiting next door and smiled because a friend of mine was there. She was quite her usual cheerful and overweight self, but smiled a lot more: and said: "I've found a fabulous new diet called the Atkins diet, it makes sense". I requested her to change her mind and try something different, but she said the author promised results and the pounds would drop off: eventually, even if the person on the diet put ON weight at first, for some months or years. I worried about my friend but didn't pressure or force her, but she assumed Atkins knew more about diet than myself, since I'm not a doctor. Yet, when I saw my friend next, many weeks later: oh no. She was HUGE, so very OBESE. I had never seen a person with so much weight, and most of it was added to her just below the lower back area, it was awful, and unfortunately, on the website that said: "NEVER, NEVER, THE ATKINS DIET: later on, its a total disaster". Sometimes while walking around the shops, I see now, just sometimes, a person walking along with the same huge shape as my friend who used to be overweight but never grossly obese. Theres' 3 or more people with that same huge figure that I'd never seen before I'd been warned against the Atkins diet. My friend, once cheerful was so sad, so sorrowful, so unhappy: her size was 2-3 or even 4 times the size she used to be. My advice: if someone wants to go on the Atkins diet, or any diet, see a good doctor first to have a physical check: heart, blood pressure, etc. to see if your body can stand for a diet; and if its' about other peoples diets, ask a Doctor first about it. By now, I assume Doctors in New Zealand are watching out to warn any patient off the Atkins diet. OK? If in doubt, check that book out with a real live doctor, I think your doctor would say: burn that stupid fake diet book.
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Q: Explain why a diet like the Atkins diet is not a reasonable plan to lose weight?
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It is very popular. It is a low-carbohydrate weight loss diet created by Robert Atkins. The Atkins low carb diet came to the world with the number one-selling diet and health book in the U.S. "Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution" in 1972.

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The Atkins weight loss diet has been around for decades for one simple reason it works. The Atkins weight loss diet is a modified low carb diet that relies on good lean proteins and foods low in sugar to work. The great thing about the Atkins weight loss diet is it is so easy to follow. Look around next time you are in the grocery or drug store. The shelves and coolers are lined with many foods either produced by the Atkins plan or made specifically for it. There are also many books and magazines that cover this great diet.

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The diet plan I have heard the most about is called the Atkins Diet. The Atkins diet cuts out carbohydrates mainly, so it works well.

What is the diet meal plan to be able to lose weight?

The main diet plan I have heard of a lot of people having success with is called the Atkins diet. You can find out more information here.���diet/���atkins-diet-what-it-is

Where can I find out about the Atkins food diet?

Atkins diet is a low carbohydrate diet to loose weight. The argument for the diet is that the body burns first carbohydrates in the food and goes to burn fat and proteins next. If we take less carbohydrates and more fat and protein, the body burns fat efficiently thereby allowing us to loose weight. For more on this we can visit:

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The 30 bananas a day diet, the diet yogurt diet and the Atkins diets are all extremely high in fiber. I personally recommend the Atkins diet, and it helps you lose the most weight in the long term.

How exactly does dr atkins diet works?

The Atkins diet plan is quite controversial. Please see the following for additonal information on the Atkins diet: