


Farm Crops

Wheat, rye, alfalfa, soybeans, other grains and corn are well-known farm crops, but farmers might also grow fruits, nuts, vegetables, tobacco, food or bedding for animals, cotton, flowers, and other crops, too. Whether grown for commercial or subsistence reasons, questions about the crops and those who grow them on all sizes of farms in all countries and regions of the world are welcome here. Come on in to this category to learn more and share your knowledge about Farm Crops and those who grow them.

500 Questions

With their rich farmland and moderate climate, the Middle Atlantic colonies became large producers of A. timber for building ships. B. sugar for making molasses. C. wheat, barley, and rye. D. cotton, indigo, and tobacco.?

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Asked by lilligomez

C. wheat, barley, and rye. Middle Atlantic colonies like Pennsylvania and New York were known for their fertile soil and favorable growing conditions, which made them ideal for cultivating grains like wheat, barley, and rye.

What are the advantages and disadvantage for nomadic farming?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages of nomadic farming include sustainable land use, access to fresh grazing for livestock, and flexibility to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Disadvantages may include limited access to education and healthcare, vulnerability to natural disasters, and challenges in accessing markets for their products.

What was most widley grown in the middle colonies?

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The Middle Colonies were known for growing a variety of crops, but wheat was one of the most widely grown. Other common crops included corn, barley, oats, and rye. These grains were important for both local consumption and for export.

What is the place of origin of sorghum?

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Sorghum is believed to have originated in Africa, with archaeological evidence suggesting that it was first domesticated in Ethiopia. Today, sorghum is grown in many countries across the world due to its versatility and adaptability to different climates.

What region is farming and fishing important to?

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Asked by Wiki User

Farming and fishing are important to coastal regions and areas with fertile land suitable for agriculture, such as countries in Southeast Asia, the Mediterranean, and parts of Africa. These regions rely on farming and fishing as key economic activities to support local communities and supply food to the population.

How are Corn and wheat were the main cash crops in which region?

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Asked by Wiki User

Corn and wheat were the main cash crops in the Midwestern region of the United States, also known as the "Corn Belt." This region has fertile soil and a climate that is well-suited for growing these crops, leading to their prominence in the area's agricultural economy.

Why was the use of agriculture important?

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Asked by Wiki User

Agriculture was important because it allowed for a more reliable and abundant food supply, leading to the growth of settled societies and civilizations. It also enabled the development of complex social structures, division of labor, and technological advancements. Additionally, agriculture allowed for the surplus of food production, which freed up individuals to pursue other activities beyond subsistence farming.

Why are crops grown in the North different from those grown in the south of this region?

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Asked by Wiki User

Crops grown in the North are typically cold-weather crops that can withstand colder temperatures and shorter growing seasons. In contrast, crops grown in the South are often warm-weather crops that require longer periods of heat and sunlight to thrive. Environmental factors such as temperature, daylight hours, and frost play a significant role in determining which crops are best suited for each region.

Why are cotton and sugarcane grown in large areas of the deccan plateau?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cotton and sugarcane are grown in large areas of the Deccan Plateau because the region has a suitable climate with hot and dry conditions, which are ideal for their cultivation. Additionally, the availability of water from rivers like the Godavari and Krishna supports irrigation for these crops. The fertile soil of the Deccan Plateau also contributes to their successful growth.

What three things that affect types of crops an area can produce successfully?

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Three key factors that influence the types of crops an area can successfully produce are climate conditions (temperature, rainfall, and sunlight), soil quality (texture, nutrients, and pH level), and topography (elevation, slope, and drainage). These factors play a crucial role in determining the suitability of crops for a particular region and their productivity. Farmers need to consider these factors when selecting crops to grow.

Which settlement was best known for cash crop farmers?

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Jamestown, Virginia, was best known for its cash crop farmers, particularly those who farmed tobacco. Jamestown was one of the first successful English settlements in America and played a significant role in the development of the tobacco industry in the colonies.

Which region is home to the corn belt?

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The Corn Belt region is primarily located in the Midwestern United States, encompassing states such as Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Minnesota, and Nebraska. This region is known for its fertile soil and favorable climate conditions that make it ideal for corn cultivation.

Many crops grow in the what region?

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Many crops grow in the temperate region due to its moderate climate and sufficient rainfall. This region is ideal for a wide variety of crops such as wheat, corn, soybeans, and fruits like apples and grapes. Farmers in temperate regions can cultivate multiple crops throughout the year due to the favorable growing conditions.

Why velds are known as the maize triangle?

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Velds are known as the "maize triangle" due to the fertile soils and ideal climate conditions found in this region, making it highly suitable for maize cultivation. The velds in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Zambia form a triangle where maize production is a significant agricultural activity, hence the nickname.

Why a new area is needed after about three years of crop growing?

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Crop rotation is important to maintain soil fertility and prevent pest and disease buildup. Introducing a new area allows for a different crop to be grown, which can help break pest cycles, replenish soil nutrients, and improve overall crop health. It also reduces the risk of soil depletion and promotes sustainable agriculture practices.

Which type of area is more likely to participate in subsistence farming rather than market-orientated farming?

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  • a town in China growing rice crops
  • a farm in the United States growing corn
  • a village in central Africa growing fruit
  • a country in Latin American growing coffee beans

How much land is required to be a farm in Tennessee?

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In Tennessee, a farm is typically considered to be a tract of land ranging anywhere from 10 to 50 acres, though smaller or larger tracts can also qualify depending on the activities carried out on the land. The exact acreage required to be classified as a farm may vary based on local zoning laws, agricultural practices, and specific eligibility criteria for farm-related programs.

What was the result of China's regional differences in food crops types of homes in clothing?

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Asked by Wiki User

China's regional differences in food crops led to a diverse culinary culture, with different regions specializing in the cultivation of certain crops such as rice in the south and wheat in the north. These differences also influenced the types of homes built, with bamboo and thatch used in warmer regions, while brick and wood were common in colder regions. As for clothing, regional variations in climate and resources led to different styles and materials being used, such as silk in the central regions and fur in the north.

How does dependence on a cash crop harm a region?

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Dependence on a cash crop can harm a region by making its economy susceptible to price fluctuations and market disruptions, leading to income instability for farmers. This reliance can also hinder diversification into other industries, limiting overall economic development. Additionally, monoculture farming practices associated with cash crops can deplete soil nutrients and increase vulnerability to pests and diseases, impacting long-term agricultural sustainability.

What crops were grown in different regions?

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In regions with temperate climates, common crops include wheat, barley, and corn. In tropical regions, crops like rice, sugarcane, and bananas are commonly grown. Mediterranean regions are known for growing olives, grapes, and citrus fruits, while arid regions often focus on crops like dates, figs, and almonds.

Why different crops are growth in different areas?

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Different crops are grown in different areas based on factors such as climate, soil type, and water availability. Certain crops require specific conditions to thrive, so farmers choose crops that are best suited for the local environment. This helps maximize yield and quality while minimizing the risk of crop failure.

What was true about the transportation used to ship crops?

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Railroads could charge as much as they liked.

The spread of corn or potatoes beyond the Americas did what?

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The spread of corn and potatoes beyond the Americas significantly impacted global agriculture by providing new sources of nutrition and calories. These crops became staple food items in many regions, improving food security and increasing population growth. Additionally, they contributed to cultural exchange and culinary diversity worldwide.

What region are cash crops grown?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cash crops are grown in various regions around the world, including North and South America, Africa, Asia, and Europe. These regions have specific climates, soils, and growing conditions that are suitable for cultivating crops like coffee, cotton, tobacco, and sugar cane for commercial purposes.

Where does most farming take place in the USA locations and places?

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Farming in the USA is widespread, but states like Iowa, California, Texas, Nebraska, and Minnesota are known for large agricultural output. Specific regions like the Midwest Corn Belt, Central Valley in California, and Great Plains are major farming areas due to their fertile soil and favorable climate. Additionally, regions in the Southeast and Pacific Northwest also have significant agricultural activity.