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Q: Find a doctor in Albany ny who reverse tubal ligation?
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Is tubal ligation cover as an aflac benifit

Is reverse tubal ligation a guarntee way to have a baby?

There is no guarantee that either tubal ligation reversal or the alternative treatment of IVF will work.

Can electric shock to your abdomen make you able to have babies after a tubal ligation?

A Dr would surgically reverse the tubal ligation by reconnecting the tubes.

Where can you find a forum to chat about tubal ligation? This is a forum for women who have had a tubal ligation and most are now wanting a tubal ligation reversal. It is a place for emotional support after you have had a tubal ligation and are needing emothional support. This is another forum that you can go to just to get information about a tubal ligation and PTLS which is known as Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome. It deals with all the things that happen after the tubal that your doctor didnt tell you about.

If your tubes were cauterized 5 years ago is it possible to have a reverse tubal ligation?

It is possible but each case has to be judged individually so ask your doctor what the chances are.

Does health insurance cover any cost for a reverse tubal ligation procedure?

you cannot get it reversed

Can tubal ligation be performed when you have your period?

ask your bloodclart doctor they should know the answer

Is there a pill or medication besides surgery to reverse a tubal ligation?

No. A tubal ligation is a pretty permanent procedure that significantly reduces the possibility of pregnancy. Attempts to reverse the procedure are not always successful. Reversal involves a surgical procedure to re-establish the fallopian tubes.

What are your chances of a healthy pregnancy after a tubal pregnancy 2 years ago?

If you have had a tubal ligation and you want to become pregnant, it may happen, but you'll have better chances if you have a surgical procedure to reverse the tubal ligation. There is no guarantee that you'll experience success after a reversal, but the ability to reverse a tubal ligation is there and it will dramatically increase your chances of becoming pregnant again. Here is a website related to your question. HTH.

Can you get pregnant if you had a tubal ligation and have to have a procedure to have a blockage removed?

Who knows,ask a doctor or somthin

I had a tubal ligation without my husbands knowledge and now he's threating to sue my doctor can he do that?

No. He can not do that.