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The high level waste, which is the dangerous part, is contained in the spent fuel, so it has the same volume as the fuel rods, unless they are processed. The actual amount is manageable, it is the high activity that is the problem for disposal.

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Q: Fission creates large amounts of radioactive waste?
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The process which describes the splitting of a large unstable atom into two intermediate size atoms and extra neutrons is called nuclear fission. Nuclear fission is a nuclear reaction or a radioactive decay process.

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Can nuclear fission be harmful?

Yes. The first use we developed for nuclear fission was the atomic bomb. The number of people who died when the bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki is difficult to estimate precisely, but was likely over 200,000. Even aside from nuclear weapons, the products of nuclear fission are highly radioactive and fission itself produces large amount of radiation. Accidents at nuclear power plants, which use controlled fission reactions, can result in radioactive material being released into the environment.

How is promethium reactions?

Atomic fission is the process in which large atoms break apart, releasing large amounts of energy and smaller atoms. The smaller atoms are called fission products. The Oak Ridge scientists proved that element 61 was present in fission products of uranium. They named it promethium, after the Greek god Prometheus.

What is the byproduct of nuclear energy?

We generally consider nuclear fission as the "splitting" of atoms. In this process, a large atomic nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei. The smaller nuclei are called fission fragments, and they are radioactive. Making nuclear energy, which we do in nuclear reactors, results in the production of large quantities of highly radioactive fission products. These byproducts require that we cool the spent fuel for long periods, and also that we store it for centuries so that the radioactive materials have a chance to decay and become less hazardous.