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Human civilization began in the Fertile Crescent, a section of the Middle East in the area of what is now roughly Jordan, Iraq and Turkey. This is where grains were first grown from wild stock and slowly domesticated through selection to become high-yield crops.

The first farmers, finding that they had surpluses, stored the extra wheat, which had two historically interesting effects. Most importantly, surplus food meant that not everyone had to spend their time food gathering, and for the first time some were able to pursue other forms of labor, building a class of tradesmen, scholars, priests, and later warriors to protect the fields (and take over other peoples fields). It also meant that people could, for the first time, live in the same place year-round and not run out of food.

In short, extra food made towns possible. But it also drew rats, mice and other rodents, giving them a great place to live year-round.

There is a breed of small wild cat native to that area called the Desert Cat (Felis silvestris lybica). These cats took to hanging around the grain stores to catch the abundant rodents. Over time, those with a predisposition toward being friendly moved closer to human habitation, and eventually moved in and took over. Through the centuries these cats, valued for their ratting, evolved through interbreeding into a breed of their own (Felis catus). A recent genetic study has shown that all domestic cats trace back to perhaps as few as five individuals of F. silvestris that lived in the Middle East about 9,500 years ago.

Cats are known to prey on over 1,000 species, including snakes and scorpions. They are now thought to be the most popular pets in history, with an estimated 600 million living with their humans all over the world. In most rural areas they still pursue their self-chosen careers of helping their humans combat the rodent hordes.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Domestic cats came after wild cats.

It is believed that cats were first domesticated in Egypt as cult pets.

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12y ago

No, people started it when they realized that cats hunt vermin.

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What are wild domestic cats called?

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In means of domestic cats, they are related the the wild cats.

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Wild cats are more wild and they strive to find food by themselves, they are also more independant.

Why do cats hunt?

Cats either domestic or wild felines hunt for the purpose for food, without it they would starve( wild feline) or would not have enough nutrition (domestic).

Why do wild cats avoid humans?

They are probably scared of humans. Unlike domestic cats, wild cats are not raised with humans. Hope this helped!

Are cats cousins to wild cats?

Wild cats and domestic cats all come from the family Felidae and are all related.Yes, they're all distant relatives.

How many types of cats are there living in the wild?

There are 36 species of wild cats and one species of domestic cat.

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The only cat indigenous to Greece is the wild cat. There are thousands of cats living in the country, but they are all domestic cats.

Do cats prey on rabbits?

Yes. Cats (feral, wild, or domestic) prey upon rabbits when they can.

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Toygers can be domestic house cats. Although they are a new breed. I'm not sure if it's a wild animal or not but it is domestic.

What wild cat is the cousin to the silver tabby?

Domestic cats are descended from the African wild cat.