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During the Second Punic War, Macedon supported Carthage, and after Rome had defeated Carthage in 201 BCE the Roman aristocracy decided to settle the score with Macedon. The pretext was that Pergamon and Rhodes had accused Philip V of Macedon of secretly conspiring with Syria - probably a put-up job by the two cities to use the Romans to get rid of their local enemies.

War decisions in Rome were made by the Centuriate Assembly - the people assembled on the Field of Mars under arms. Most were war weary after nearly 20 years against the Carthaginians, and voted it down. They were reassembled a week later and reminded of the loot available in the east; this changed their minds, and they voted for war.

Philip was defeated at the battle of Cynoscephalai in 197 BCE, and forced to avoid any action outside his own territory, and the Roman army went home. Rome was called back into Greece five years later by their allies Aitolians, and ended up defeating the Syrians in Asia Minor.

These actions were followed by further interventions in the Greek world (which included the territories conquered by Alexander and ruled by his Macedonian generals and their successors). Eventually Macedon was dismembered into four republics, and Rome progressively moved through the eastern Mediterranean until its empire reached from Greece through Asia Minor to the Euphrates River and Egypt.

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12y ago

yes, but they where not always strong. Greeks still had a little bit of power but their king King Hallas III took control over the Romans for one solid year but other than that the Romans conquered over the Greeks. it was not the best time for them but their king did the same thing.

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10y ago

Mainland Greece was not a unified country. There were two kingdoms (Macedon and Epirus) and city-states, some of which formed alliances, such as the Aetolian League and the Achaean League. Other Greek states in the eastern Mediterranean were the kingdom of Pergamon in Turkey, The Seleucid Empire, centred on Syria and the Ptolemaic Kingdom in Egypt. The island of Rhodes was an important state and had territories on the nearby Turkish coast.

During the Second Punic War the Romans fought the First Macedonian War (214 to 205 BC) against Macedon (the biggest and most powerful state in Greece) because their king, Philip V allied with Hannibal who was invading Italy and he wanted to take over Illyrian territories which were under Rome's sphere of influence. The Aetolian league and Pergamon allied with Rome and fought alongside her. Rome then got involved in more wars in Greece to fight with her allies during conflicts between Greek states.

In the Second Macedonian War (200-197 BC) Rome, Pergamon, Rhodes the Aetolian league and Athens were allies. In the Seleucid or Roman-Syrian War (192-188 BC) against the Seleucid Empire, Pergamon, Rhodes and Rome were allies. The Kingdom of Macedon and the Achaean league did not support the Seleucid and kept out of the war. The Aetolian league turned against Rome and sided with the Seleucids. In the Third Macedonian War (171-168 BC) Rome and Pergamon were allies.

With the Forth Macedonian War (150 to 148 BC) and the revolt by the Achaean League in 146 BC, Rome annexed mainland Greece, which became the Roman provinces of Achaea and Epirus. Pergamon continued to be an ally of Rome instil its last king, Attalus III, who died without male issue, bequeathed his kingdom to Rome in 133 BC.

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7y ago

Greece was not a countries - it was a series of city-states and leagues. They fought or took over them all successively.

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