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Heating a frying pan is a physical change. A chemical change is when you change the chemical properties. Heating the pan is only changing the temperature of the pan not the chemical make up.

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Q: Heating a frying pan is chemical or physical change?
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Frying an egg is a chemical change.

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Pan frying, no. It is a chemical change. Which is why it smokes and changes colors.

Is frying an egg an chemical or physical change?


Is frying egg physical or chemical change?

both Frying eggs is a chemical process.

Is frying an egg a physical change?

no. frying an egg is not physical, because once you turn the egg into a solid, you cant change it back to a liquidish substance. Heating is a chemical change, so there for, frying an egg is a chemical change. Same with baking a cake. Once you add heat to a substance, like cakebatter, you cant change it back into cake batter there for making it a chemical change.

Is frying of oil a physical change?

You can't really fry oil. You can heat oil, and you can use it to fry something else, such as an egg. Heating oil is a physical change, though prolonged heating causes chemical changes to occur too. The changes to the food are chemical.

Is a frying a egg physical or chemical?

chemical change.

When cooking a piece of bacon is that a physical or chemical change?

Frying bacon is a chemical change. In addition to simply heating the bacon, frying it causes certain molecules to react and change. For instance, some protein molecules may be broken down. This is why cold fried bacon tastes different than cold raw bacon.

Is frying an egg a physical property or a chemical property?

chemical change

Is bacon grease solidifying physical or chemical change?

Frying bacon is a chemical change. In addition to simply heating the bacon, frying it causes certain molecules to react and change. For instance, some protein molecules may be broken down. This is why cold fried bacon tastes different than cold raw bacon.