

Best Answer

This period covers the Exodus account and the tribal times before King David. Therefore, this period is before Solomon's empire which stretched from modern Lebanon to the Arabian peninsula. King Solomon had seaports on the Arabian sea(gulf of Aquaba), so parts of modern Iraq and Turkey were part of the Jewish kingdom of Israel.

Another View:

The idea of a Jewish Empire is questionable, resting on idealised descriptions from a millennium later when the Old Testament was written, idealising a dubious beginning, just as Roman history idealises a dubious early beginning. Where is the archaeological evidence of the palaces of David and Solomon - it doesn't exist. The Egyptians knew of the Hebrews (they called them Habiru) as pastoralists and brigands in the hills of Judea. A few centuries later the Hebrews were organised into two petty kingdoms but were taken over by the Assyrians and Babylonians.

Pre-800 BCE they were at best a confederation of hill-tribes. The glories of David and Solomon are missing from evidence on/in the ground.

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Q: How big was the Jewish Empire in 1200-1700 BC?
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