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Polio can be prevented by just getting the vaccine and also avoidong people who have it. If you were to ever get polio even though it is very uncommon you should consult your doctor and also get the appropriate equipment so you can treat this very rare disease right. Also it could just some because of the bloodline in your family.

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Q: How can Polio be prevented?
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Related questions

Is polio curable at late stage?

Polio is not curable at the last stage.... it can only be prevented and not cured.

Why should parents give polio drops to their childrens?

All parents should have their children vaccinated for polio. Polio is a devastating disease, and there is no cure, but with the vaccination, it can be prevented.

How can poliomyelitis be prevented?

Yes, it can be (provided that all the countries where still there ia sporadic cases of polio gets under the program of the WHO, eradication of polio-worldwide and co-operate with them and the laboratories destroys their sample viruses

What was used in an attempt to fight the spread of polio?

Immunizations were formed in an attempt to fight different disease such as polio. In many parts of the world where immunizations are given, polio and other previously deadly diseases are virtually non existent.

How may poliomyelitis be prevented?

prevention consists of vaccination. There are two polio vaccines available; inactivated (Salk) poliovirus vaccine, and oral poliovirus vaccine.

What can be prevented by vaccine?

Vaccinations are an effective method of preventing certain disease such as polio, tetanus, pertussis, diphtheria, influenza, hepatitis b, and pneumococcal infections.

What prevented Franklin D. Roosevelt from walking?

Franklin D. Roosevelt was unable to walk due to the effects of polio, which he contracted in 1921. The disease left him paralyzed from the waist down, permanently preventing him from walking without the use of leg braces or assistance.

In 1535 how was polio cured?

There is still no cure for polio, a disease that has been known since ancient times. Polio did not become epidemic until the late 19th century, when improvements in community sanitation prevented widespread development of immunity to the virus in early childhood. In 1535, there was no treatment for the condition. People either lived with their crippled condition, or died.

Is polio bacterial?

Polio is not caused by a bacterial infection. Polio is caused by a viral infection. While both are extremely tiny the viruses are 100 times smaller. Both viral and bacterial infections can sometimes be prevented by proper sanitation. Washing your hands after using the bathroom is a good way to avoid many viral and bacterial infections.

Why was polio vaccine so important?

If you can get all the children of your locality polio vaccinated, there is least liklihood of future generation having contacted polio disease. By this way the impact of polio vaccination is immese. By rigorous polio vaccination drive, India has been declared by WHO as polio free country for two consecutive years.

What do polio and aids have in common?

Both rabies and HIV are viral infections. Currently, both can be prevented in the vast majority of cases (rabies through vaccination and HIV through using barrier protection during sex). However, both infections once established are almost uniformly fatal.

Is polio a verb?

Polio is a noun. If you want to use polio with a verb, you could say: Contract polio Suffer from polio Die of polio Recover from polio Etc., etc. I hope that helped.