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Since listeners are also taking in the way a speaker looks, the speaker needs to be dressed in neat, clean unobtrusive clothing (for example, not low cut or otherwise revealing) and jewelry. If the language is not clear, as it can be with foreign speakers, or loud enough, that may impede the understanding of the listeners also. Finally, if the speaker does not employ either the format at the beginning (tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, tell them what you told them), or some other form of organization (power point), then the main ideas may not be taken in by the listeners.

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9y ago

There are many barriers which can prevent you from hearing what someone has said. Some of those barriers are trying to come up with a response while the person is still speaking, background noise, being tired, a physical hearing condition, and preoccupation with your own thoughts.

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personal prejudices, external distractions, monotonous delivery are the some barriers to the listening process.

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Q: How can a speaker be a barrier to effective listening?
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How is feedback a barrier to effective listening?

Feedback can be a barrier to effective listening when individuals are more focused on preparing their response or rebuttal instead of genuinely listening to the speaker. This can lead to misunderstandings, a lack of empathy, and a breakdown in communication. Feedback should be given after active listening to ensure that the speaker feels heard and understood.

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of effective listening?

One benefit of effective listening is miscommunication. Effective listening helps in understanding the speaker's message accurately, building stronger relationships, and fostering trust.

What are the theories and practices on listening?

Theories on listening include active listening, where the listener engages fully by giving their full attention and reflecting back what they have heard. Some practices to improve listening skills include maintaining eye contact, summarizing what was said, and avoiding interrupting the speaker. Effective listening involves understanding not only the words spoken but also the nonverbal cues and emotions conveyed.

What do you mean by the environmental barrier of listening?

The environmental barrier of listening refers to any external factors in the surroundings that can impede or distract from effective listening. This can include noise, interruptions, poor acoustics, or physical barriers that prevent clear communication. Addressing these environmental barriers is important for improving communication and understanding.

What are three primary barriers to effective listening?

Three primary barriers to effective listening are distractions (both internal and external), lack of interest in the topic or speaker, and preconceived notions or biases. These barriers can prevent individuals from fully engaging in the listening process and understanding the message being communicated.

Effective listening skills are the result of what?

Effective listening skills are the result of focus, empathy, and nonverbal cues understanding. Active listening requires concentration on the speaker, showing understanding and empathy, and interpreting their body language and tone to better grasp the message being communicated.

How is the content a barrier to effective listening?

when the message is composed items already known by the listeners. They will offer very litlle attention or none atall.

Which of the following is defined as actions by listeners that obstruct effective listening?

Noise is defined as actions by listeners that obstruct effective listening. This can include distractions, interruptions, or internal thoughts that interfere with the listener's ability to fully engage and understand the speaker.

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When listening to a speaker which four styles of listening is not defined?

Empathetic listening, critical listening, appreciative listening, and empathetic listening are not defined.

Which of these is a general communication barrier is it poor listening bad manners listening between the lines or improper note taking.?

Poor listening is a general communication barrier that can hinder effective communication. It refers to not paying attention, being distracted, or not fully comprehending the message being conveyed. It can lead to misunderstandings, lack of clarity, and breakdowns in communication.

What would happen if the diaphragm of a speaker exceeded the sound barrier?

Exceeding the sound barrier refers to speed of travel, not loudness of sound. A speaker cannot "exceed the sound barrier".