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Q: How can you differentiate curd formation and proteolysis?
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Formation of curd from milk is which reaction?

Formation of curd in milk is called 'Fermentation'.Curd is formed when milk is pasteurised and fermented by a combination of lactic acid bacteria and a protease.

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Explain why curd forms when milk sours?

The curd is the fat in the milk that sticks together. ------------------------------------------------------------------- I think it is the proteins rather than the fat that are responsible for the formation of curd - after all you can get fat free curd cheese.

Curd is more acidic than milk is this true?

curd is more acidic than milk .Because when milk is changed to curd it's pH value decreases due to the formation of lactic acid.

What is the difference in preparation of soyabean milk in comparison with the natural milk with respect to curd formation effect of temperature and taste?

Preporartion of soyabeen milk and its comparision with naturanl milk with respect to curd formation, effect of temperature and taste

What is proteolysis?

Proteolysis is the directed degradation (digestion) of proteins by cellular enzymes called proteases or by intramolecular digestion.

Why does pH of milk change on turning into curd?

A protein called casein, present in milk, forms a coagulum in the presence of an acid. This may result from the splitting of some of the phosphate that had been esterified to the casein and also from some proteolysis of peptide bonds in the casein molecules.

Give information about preparation of soyabean milk and its comparision with the natural milk with respect to curd formation effect of temperature and taste?


Why curd is better than milk?

Curd is better than milk because, the calcium and phosphorous contents of curd are more easily assimilated. Curd contains more vitamins than milk. During curd formation the lactose of milk is converted into lactic acid. There is some breakdown of protein increasing the non-protein nitrogen. The fat globules coalesce and distribute them selves on the top.curd is more easily digestible as it is already in broken form than milk.more acceptable by bodykeeps the body cool and relaxed.The bacteria present in curd make the skin soft and glowing.

What is creamy curd?

creamy curd is curd that is creamy

What is is it called when your body eats your muscle for energy?

muscle proteolysis

Why would the heavier metal sink to the center in the formation of a planet?

Because materials in solution differentiate according to their density. At some point early in its formation, the Earth was in a liquid state.