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I would recommend that you look into Pilates. This form of exercise works well with building balance and tone through the method of exercises that are given to the individual. If you really want to get specific in targeting your own personal areas of need, you should try working one on one with a private trainer. Good luck.

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Q: How can you get muscular definition on the right side of your abs if you do crunches and reverse crunches but your left side is more developed?
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Related questions

What are reverse crunches?

Reverse crunches are the opposite of a crunch. You lie on your back and bring your legs up to your chest in repeated motions while keeping your arms on the ground.

What is a good alternative for sit ups?

Although if you do them properly ab crunches are safe, there are a number of alternatives such as: alternate leg lifts, joint leg lifts, alternate leg cycles, joint leg cycles, cross crunches, floor crunches, feet to the ceilings, reverse floor crunches, reverse bench crunches, straight-arm pulldowns, hanging leg raises, Swiss ball crunches, weighted Swiss ball crunches, and Swiss ball reverse crunches.

what are the exercises that you do in the police academy?

This is the standard police workout: - Regular Crunches - 25 , - Reverse Crunches - 25 , - Double Crunches - 25 , - Left Crunches - 25 , - Right Crunches - 25 , - Stretch abs and lower back

Abdominal exercises after abdominal surgery?

Here are some abdominal exercises that can be done after abdominal surgery. Crunches, oblique twists, reverse crunches and pushup/twists are good exercises to do after abdominal surgery.

What is the best exercise to get rid of belly fat?

Crunches are the best way to help rid belly fat. Not only should you do traditional crunches, but you should also target your lower abs and oblique's, which can be achieved through side crunches and bicycles.

Should you do crunches or full sit ups to tighten your abs?

The question of the best ab excerise is highly debated. You will find sites that claim ONLY crunches will do and sites that claim ONLY full situps will do. In my experience they're about the same but crunches are less stressful for the back...remember reverse crunches are just as effective and you may find them easier.

What is the best workout to improve abs?

If you are in begining stage then you can follow some steps for improve abs.I am telling you about some easy abs workout. 1. Crunches. 2. Bycycle crunches. 3. Reverse crunches. 4. Plunks. 5. Hip thrusts. 6. Pendulums.

How do you get over a weightloss plateau?

You'll have to switch up your workout. Like if you do crunches, try reverse crunches instead, or jog with weights. Just switch up your exersize routine, and you should get right back on track.

I am wondering what is the definition of a reverse mortgage?

The definition of reverse mortgage is when the bank takes out a loan based on your property. This is used for extending your mortgage beyond what it is now.

What can cause right lower abdominal pain when doing reverse crunches?

Improper breathing throughout the reverse crunches can cause abdominal pain. Lower abdominal pain may also be caused by the exercise itself, which works the lower abdomen. Pain on the right side of the abdomen can also be a symptom of appendicitis, so you should see a doctor if it persists.

What is definition for vise versa?

same in reverse direction....

How do you get a six pack and quick?

Six pack takes approximately 6 weeks, and lots of determination. I can recommend doing sit ups, reverse crunches, seated abdominal crunches, oblique abdominal crunches, or trunk rotations. Like they say, no pain, no gain. If you feel the burn you are getting results =) Also if you have some body fat, try to eat healthy and cut down on snacks.