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You can either shoot them or set traps up all over the place.

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Q: How can you keep squirrels away from your birdbaths?
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How do you keep squirrels away?

Squirrel feeders are one option for keeping squirrels away from bird feeders and other parts of the property.Specifically, squirrels really love nuts, especially those of the black walnut tree (Juglans nigra). It is possible to set up a feeder or feeding corner with a squirrel mix that is store-bought or homemade. Otherwise, it is difficult to keep squirrels away from a feeder or area of the property that has gotten their attention.

Can mothballs keep squirrels away?

No, there is virtually nothing that will repel raccoons.

Do birds like solar bird baths?

Yes! Birds just don't like birdbaths with a glossy finish because they like to keep their footing. Solar birdbaths are a hit and they attract more birds than a regular birdbath.

What would you do if a squirrels hang out near a bird feeder?

Keep feeder away from trees and mounted on metal rod

Will rubber snakes keep squirrels away?

Yes, for maybe 2 or 3 minutes until the squirrel discovers the snake is not real.

How do city squirrels protect themselves from people and predators?

They run away, just as country squirrels do.

How do squirrels keep from falling?

with their sharps nail

Squirrel hating neighbor has set live traps he was stopped from using kill rat traps so how do you keep the tree squirrels who are only running through his yard safely away from the traps?

It's just about impossible to keep squirrels out of outside areas. There is a squirrel repellent that might work but I don't know how you'd go about getting it in your neighbors yard. If you have access to the traps, spray the area around them with ammonia or fox urine. That will keep them away, supposedly. (But it stinks) Have the same trouble around here sometimes. I love squirrels. Neighbors suck!

Why shouldn't birdbaths or bird feeders be on the ground?


Do cat litter squirrels away?

squirrel repellant

Squirrels ?

form_title= Squirrels form_header= Keep unwanted squirrels out. Have you tried any other remedies?*= () Yes () No If so, what kind?*= _ [50) Do you have any pets?*= () Yes () No

Are neighbors allowed to keep squirrels in their attics?

People usually don't keep squirrels in their attics - the squirrels usually get inside without them knowing the animals are there. Squirrels in an attic can be very harmful - they tear up things and leave droppings and urine and can cause disease. You should let your neighbors know that they need to call animal control to get rid of the squirrels.