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In order to lose 13 pounds a month the number one thing to do is clean out your cuborads. Get rid of any cake mixes brownies mixes pancke mixes, cookies stuff, anything that has a large amount of surgur and fat in it. Stop drinking while milk and replace it with 1 %. Then you need to start drinking 8 glasses of about 8oz of water a day. No Soda, no Diet Soda because that contains alot of salt. By the end of the first week you would have most likely lost 3 to 5 pounds just that alone, because you have flushed out alot of toxins and salt which causes the body to retain water. Now that you are flushingyour body your next step is to start chosing healthier meals. In the morning eat 2 eggs with onions, peppers, if you like cheese use low fat cheese. later when you starting to get hungry have a snack on hand, such as an apple, bananna, celery, or backed potatoe chips which helthier then the other greasy kind. Once lunch time comes around have a nice smucker pbj or make your own (be careful of how much penut butter you put on!) or go to subway and get foot long were you can cut it into three and have a subway lunch for threedays. Dont have any extra stuff like manyoise or salad dressing, mustard is ok though, avoid ham and use turkey for subway subs. For a snack a few hours before dinner have a fruit or veggie. For Dinner you can have a banqute meal which doesn't cost much avoid the ones high calories like the ones with bownies and puddings in it. Stick with mac and cheese, turkey meals, alfredo and other lower calorie banqute meals. then as an after dinner snck have a handful of almonds or penuts. During this time it is best to start exercising. Walking 4 miles everyother day can help you lose weight. Start out slow then pick up the speed a bit and began power walking then once you are able to hit a jogging pace and are able to jog 4 miles in about 40 minutes which is ten minutes a mile add another mile or two on. If you are walking/jogging on roads without side walks i recommend you get a dog tag from Walmart with your name, phone number, blood type, emergency numbers it could take two dog tags depending on your walmart dog tag machine it could by about 5 dollar but less then ten. These are good to have in case you are hit and you don't have a id on you. After eating healthy for two weeks and exercise you could lose 2-3 pounds if you already low in weight such as 5'3 and 140 pounds or 3-6 pounds if you are heavier weight such as 5'3 and 180 pounds. sick to this. remember stick to low cal healthy food and drink lots of water and in no time your skinny jeans will be your big jeans, it is ok to eat out once in a while but is you want to lose 13 pounds in a month i suggest you don't eat out. eating out once a month is ok but you need to stick to you healthy life change this isn't a diet it is a lifesytle change that you will be happy that you made

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Q: How can you lose 13 pounds in one month?
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A healthy BMI recommendation for a 5'9" 13 year old is between 105 pounds and 147.6 pounds. It is unhealthy to lose more than 2 pounds a week, but with regular exercise and a well-balanced diet, one can reach their target weight.

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If you lose 2 pounds a day that would be 26 pounds plus cut down on food so it's possible to lose around 30 lbs in one 13 days.

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Hi i am 13 and about 5'1 and i weigh about 112pounds i want to lose 10 pounds or plus any tips on how to lose this weight in about a month please help thanks?

YOU DON'T NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT! I'm 11 and I am 117 pounds and that's normal and I'm still skinny! Don't worry about it!

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At 13 losing 20 pounds in 30 days is not very likely to happen and certainly is not healthy. She didn't gain 20 pounds in 30 days, it isn't going to disappear that fast.

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