

How can you lose butt fat?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

Best Answer

The right cardio exercise and weight training activities (like squats

and deadlifts) can make a difference in your backside and help you get

those buns of steel. Find out the best cardio and strength training

exercises for strengthening and firming up your rear.


2. Lunges. Stand in a split

3. Step Ups. For step

4. Hip Extensions

5. Hiking

6. Biking

7. Running

If you follow these exercise daily, then you then surely you can lose you butt fat in very short amount of time.

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11y ago
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How do you lose fat on my belly but not on my butt?

situps can help with Belly Fat also fast walk and Garcinia Cambogia

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Lose weight if you think it's too big- not sure what you are asking

What is the hardest body part for fat reduction?

For men, the hardest place to lose fat is the sides and lower abs. For women, it is the butt and thighs.

In order to get a fatter butt can you eat a ton of junk food and sit around and then when you gain weight do situps or will the situps decrease your butt fat too?

No, you cannot target a specific spot to lose, or not lose weight. When you lose weight, you lose it over the whole body. But why don't you try some cardio exercises to lose your unwanted fat and you can have a healthy heart too! Situps are used to build ab muscles rather than burning belly fat.

If you run to lose weight will you lose your butt?

Depends if your butt is fat or muscle-if its fat-then aerobic exercise along with low fat diet will reduce size. If muscle-avoid those muscle building exercises that focus on buttocks-ie cycling, stairmaster etc-opt for running, treadmill,rowers,etc

How do you lose butt rolls?

Unless this is a trick question, you lose butt rolls the old fashioned way: You exercise vigorously every day, do not eat carbohydrates between meals, and then ensure that the carbohydrates on your plate comprise less than 25% of all the food on it. There is no way, other than surgery, to lose fat in a particular spot. When you lose fat, you lose it in the reverse order than when you put it on.

How do you lose fat under chin?

If you have ever gotten rid of butt fat you probably did butt tucks so instead do the same thing with your neck. Make it tense and then relax repeatedly. If you do that for a couple weeks you will notice a difference.

Can you get big while trying to lose fat?

Yes, your body will get rid of fat And therefore prevention of diabetes. Stress And take this for get rid of fat

Does shaken your butt make it fat?

Shaking your butt doesn't make it fatter, in fact it's mild exercise. What shaking your butt does do though, is wobble the fat on your butt. Because I have quite a lot of fat on my buttocks, my butt will wobble a lot more when I shake it than someone with less butt fat.

How do you control where fat is stored in your body?

You cannot target a specific area of the body to store fat, or lose it for that matter. Your genetics decides where fat is stored, but the most common places are around the abdominals, butt, and thighs.