

How can you lose one pound every week?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Eat smaller portions. Meals should be well rounded, and contain as few white foods (except fish) as possible. There should be 3 meals a day, with nothing eaten after 9pm. On top of that a good, healthy, 30 minute exercise routine (it has to make you sweat otherwise it is not good enough) every other day will guarantee you to lose weight, and almost definitely more than a pound a week. Stay away from fried food, fast food, and ice cream!! they are not your friend!!

You can also do 6 meals a day, but split every meal up, like for breakfast, half of the protein bar, but at 10:00 finish the protein bar.

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Can you lose a pound every day?

There are many people that can lose a pound of weight every day but it is not healthy to do so. Losing one to two pounds a week is a good amount to lose.

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I did 20 minutes on my treadmill , 4 days a week, and lost about one pound a week.

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2 pounds if you do not increase your activity level. For every 3500 calories you will lose one pound.

If your an adult how many pounds to lose to lose a pound?

You might want to rephrase your question, but to lose one pound, you must lose one pound. Every 3500 calories is one pound.

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There are 3500 calories in one pound. Cutting 500 calories a day would make you lose one pound each week.

Can you run up and down the stairs 60 times and lose 1 pound?

Not really. You might lose one pund by running the stairs every day for a week though.

How many calories less a day do you need to consume to lose one pound in a week?

A pound of fat is generally around 3500 calories, so to lose a pound of fat a week you would need to lose 500 calories a day

How many calories do you need to burn to lose one pound a week?

To lose one solid pound of weight, you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you consume in a day.

How can a 130 pound 15 year old lose weight in 4 days?

You have to know that there is NO healthy way to lose weight in that short amount of time. The healthy amount to lose for a week is one pound.

How many calories do you need to lose 7 pound in one week?

It depends on what you eat and how much you eat.

How many kcals less per day would you have to eat to lose one pound a week?


How much can you loss in one week?

well it depends on what kind of exercises you do. Normally your supposed to lose 7 pound a week :) i hope that helped