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just keep on exercising extremely for 5 days (running etc

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Q: How can you lose some tummy and theigh weight before you go on holidays which is in 5 days?
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Related questions

How close to your ideal body weight should you be before getting a tummy tuck?

You should be as close as possible.

How can you lose weight instantly?

get a tummy tuck

Would it be a good idea to get a tummy tuck if Ive lost a lot of weight and even with working out your tummy isn't going away?

Surgery is an extreme method of shrinking your tummy. If you were very heavy before and have excess skin, a tummy tuck will help you look trim, but I would try out support garments first, while you decide if it's worth it.

Do you lose weight when you have a tummy tuck?

Yes you can if you try hard.

How did Beth smith Chapman lose weight?

She had a tummy tuck

Where can I find a tummy tuck diet plan? has a very helpful video about the tummy tuck, and diet plans for it.

Which will be better exercise walking after dinner or walking before dinner to reduce tummy?

1. walking wont help reduce tummy. 2. if you want to lose your tummy then dont eat dinner. 3. if you really think that walking can reduce tummy, then do it before and after dinner.

Does it mean im fat if you can make faces with your tummy?

To define if you are over weight or obese, simpy research what is the healthy weight for your height and age. Tummy fat is good, it means you're not underweight. If you are really not comfortable with it then there are simple daily exersices to toughen up the muscles in your tummy.

What is the cause of a sore tummy at night?

well it might be the food you ate before it might have upset your tummy.

What is the purpose of a tummy tuck diet ?

The tummy tuck procedure is not used to replace the surgical procedure. In fact the tummy tuck is only used to prevent excess skin that comes from loosing a large amount of weight.

Is drinking ice water good for weight loss?

it makes your tummy full

How long is a baby orca in its moms tummy?

A baby Orca is in it's mothers tummy for 8 Months before birth.