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If you have hereditary cholesterol, you need to be especially careful with high cholesterol foods in the meat and dairy groups. You also have to avoid animal organs, like liver and even egg yolks. You'll need to get blood tests every 6 months and even take a cholesterol-lowering drug, along with eating low fat and/or fat free and cholesterol free foods.

Increase your fruit and vegetable intake and eat whole wheat bread products. It's also best to eat fish and poultry. Keep fattening desserts to a minimum of 2 to 3 per week after lunch or dinner.

Don't forget to exercise: Swimming, dancing, walking, Weightlifting, and even yoga and meditation can help.

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Q: How can you lose weight with hereditary cholesterol?
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Why is chicken breasts good for you?

For cholesterol and to lose weight.

What is considered to be the number 1 need to lose weight?

The number one reason to lose weight is to improve your health. Losing weight can lower your blood pressure, cholesterol, and risk of type 2 diabetes.

If you exercise regularly it's possible to reduce your cholesterol even if you don't lose weight?

yes this is true

Does Weight Watchers have a diet plan that will help lower my cholesterol?

Yes, weight watchers offer a variety of different diet and meal plans. They do have some that are designed to help you lose weight as well as lower you cholesterol level at the same time.

If your cholesterol issue is due to genetics is that the same as being hereditary?

Yes genetics in this case is implying your hereditary medical history.

How necessary is low fat low cholesterol diet plan in weight loss.?

They are very necessary in a weight loss diet. When you remove the fat and cholesterol from your diet, your body will begin to use up what it has stored. In using up what has been stored, you begin to lose weight.

Wil cheerios lower my cholesterol?

Cheerios when eaten as a proper breakfast with a nutritious diet are great for lowering your cholesterol and helping you lose weight. Just make sure to eat them in moderation.

When trying to lose weight in a healthy way it is important to limit all of the following EXCEPT Fats Sodium Cholesterol Carbohydrates?


What are the best foods to eat while on a low fat, low cholesterol diet?

If you want to lose weight and lower your cholesterol, you need to eat lean meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. Please see the following for additional information:

Will you lose weight if you do not eat?

Yes, you will lose weight but this is not a good way to diet as you will gain it back when you do eat. It will mess up your metabolism and cholesterol and lots of other things. you should eat small portions and exercise more frequently- that will help. I lost weight by doing this.

What are good fatty foods?

Good fatty foods are low-fat diets that help you lose weight, manage cholesterol,and prevent health problems.

Which three hereditary factors influence your personal health?

Weight, cholesterol, Ph, hormone levels. It's not just these three. There are literally thousands of conditions that can be passed down through DNA. Tsachs, etc.