

How can you make yourself look skinny?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Lose weight, wear clothes slighty larger

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12y ago
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Q: How can you make yourself look skinny?
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drugs dont make you look skinny, they make you skinny because you waste your life with the crap and dont take care of yourself.

What can you do to make yourself look skinny for a special night?

you could try a diuretic to rid of excess water

Does being skinny make you look taller?

usually you look taller when your skinny

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Black makes you look skinny.

Do diagonal lines make you look fat or skinny?

straight lines make you look skinny. horozontal lines make you look fat and diagonal lines make you look lopsided!!

How long will it take you to look skinny you have fat rolls on your tummy so you look fat how long will it take for you look skinny if you starve yourself?

Starving yourself is not the answer, it will only make you sick and do permanent damage to your internal organs. A well balanced diet (see your doctor) and exercise are the only true ways to achieve your goal weight and rid yourself of excess belly fat.

How can you make your legs look skinny in skinny jeans?

The magic of skinny jeans, isn't just in the jeans. In order to make your legs look skinny, you have to wear the proper shoes. A pair of converse, vans, toms, Uggs, or flats can be worn to make your legs seem as skinny as you want.

How do you make pants look skinny?

you tape them when you are wearing them

How long do you go without food in order to look skinny?

you should not go without food at all to look skinny, you will still have water weight and that will just make you look bloated.

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Does this scooter make your butt look fast?

your butt wil look fast on a skinny seat.

How can a girl be skinny?

To become skinny you just need to exercise daily and do not eat to much fat food. But don't make yourself stop eating any foods.