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I' m sorry but that's more of a opinion sort of answer it would be best to send a letter or email the the makers of the Xbox and see why you cant see your friends on the Xbox dashboard you should be able to get an answer from them.

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Q: How come you cant see your xbox friends at your dashboard?
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Bing is on the new dashboard, if you have the new dashboard, you will have bing. If you do not have the new dashboard, you can download it from the Xbox official website. Follow all instructions on how to install the update.

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Xbox - Exit the game you are playing Xbox 360- Press the X in the middle of the controller and press Y, it will ask you, "Are you sure?: Yes or No, select yes and you will be taken to the dashboard.

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Xbox 360 because on PS3 u have to use the controller to type ur friends names with the controller and cant have private party's and cant have 4 player offline!! PC i don't really know but you cant play with your friends as much and wii is really fun in small doses but the best thing about Xbox it is the opposite of those and you get addicted to it!!