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At first they thought it was cool (exciting) then reality set in and both governments had to begin DRAFTING men to fight the war. At which time anti-war (read anti-draft) riots began to occur, etc. etc.

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13y ago
  1. In some ways the US Civil War and Vietnam were similar, in both cases they were undeclared wars; in both cases the north was victorious & the south lost. However the US Civil War was a true "civil war" in that one country was fighting against itself...hence a special hatred was administered to southerners after the fact the official title of the US/American Civil War is the WAR OF THE REBELLION and not the Civil War. It is also sometimes called the "War between the States" an accurate term but not an official one. Rebels were called "Rebs" for a reason...they were rebelling against THEIR country. Their president Jefferson Davis was imprisoned after the war and many union people wanted many southerners hanged. Techinically the war was illegal...hence no declaration of war (that would've RECOGNIZED the Confederate States of America). The whole purpose of the war was to not recognize the CSA.

Vietnam was NOT a true civil war. There really was a North Vietnam and a South Vietnam; which negates one country fighting itself.

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11y ago

There were various responses to the civil war. In the South, many contributed (due to slavery) to the economy, causing an involuntary benefit to the South. At one point, enslaved southerners joined the Confederate army, with promises of freedom.

In the North, many African Americans joined the Union army and fought alongside other Union army men. Being members of society, they also contributed (voluntarily) to the northern economy.

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