

How did Buddhism start?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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12y ago

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Well, there once was a prince who's name was Siddhartha Gautama who lived inside his palace for his whole life until his was either 30 or higher. He never saw a dead person, never saw someone suffer. One day, he decided to travel outside to see what it was like. He saw an old man with no home, and he saw men who died. He wanted to figure out why everything was like that. So he wandered around for seven years hoping to find out why everything was like that. He meditated under a fig tree for 49 days to help him understand.

Once he figured it out, her traveled across India for 45 years, and shared his knowledge. He figured out that in order to prevent those things he thought this is what you should do.

Must act Unselfishy

treat people fairly

aviod violence/killing.

People began to follow the Prince, and they started to call him Buddha.

They worshiped him like a god, and then this is how Buddhism became a religion.

Buddha (aka the prince) Created a path called the eightfold path. This is what you had to do.

Then, once he found followers, and everything he did, and his law become a religion. So really, Buddhism started because the Prince wanted to find answers, and when he did, he wanted to prevent all the bad, so he stared the religion, Buddhism.

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12y ago
  • Buddhism started with a rebel prince called Gautama Siddartha around the time of approximately 500 BC. Gautama rebelled against the oppressive socio-religious practices of his royal family. He rebelled against the brutal Vedic rituals that involved the slaughter of human and animal victims.

Gautama was terrified of the natural human ailments and sufferings such as diseases, old age and death. He abandoned his wife Yasodhara and his infant son Rahula to seek spiritual enlightenment. He had a number of teachers including the Jains. He challenged most of the teachings to which he was exposed, until he finally settled down and became a monk.

Guatama went on to become the founder of Buddhism and he was called Buddha.

  • By a man named Buddha.

He fasted for about seven years with a group of monks and decided to leave them for good.

He found meditating to be a way to forget about the hunger and he claimed that he had a vision of a god.

Buddhism is essentially the worship of this man named buddha and the things he taught.

  • Buddhism developed after the Shakyamuni Buddha became enlightened and shared some of his understanding with others. Those students studied his teachings, meditated and sometimes became enlightened themselves. In turn, they taught what they learned to other interested people, and eventually there was a community or Sangha of practitioners of the teachings of the Buddha. Once that community matured and the practices were codified to some extent, it became known as Buddhism. The Buddha lived sometime between 580-460 b.c.
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