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To put the world in order, we must first put the

nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must

first put the family in order; to put the family in

order, we must first cultivate ourselves; to cultivate ourselves we

must first set our hearts right. - Confucius

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To set our hearts right, we must follow a moral compass such as the precepts of Buddha, as presented by thich nhat hahn. Search for precepts hahn on Yahoo. ERS

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Believed that respect for others was necessary for peace, harmony• Confucius


ideas collected into book,


- together the teachings form the belief system of


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12y ago

He looked beyond everyday worries to focus on the Daowhich means the way, of the universe as a whole. Laozi once said: Those who know the Dao do not speak of it, those who speak of it do not know it". He emphasized the virtue of yielding. Many Daoists turned away from the "unnatural" ways of society.

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Q: How did Confucius believe an orderly society could be achieved?
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