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The Europeans traded weapons for slaves with the Africans, and then the Africans just accepted that offer.

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14y ago

The Emancipation Proclaimation (Freed Slaves) was and act made by Lincoln and congress.

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13y ago

People decided it was wrong to do that so they simply stopped it.

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12y ago

It was part of the social structure of many european societies, it helped the economy, and hte AA needed saving.

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Q: How did Europeans justify slave trading?
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The slave trade? The Europeans.

Which group was responsible for slave trading in Africa before Europeans?

Arabian and African societies were involved in slave trading in Africa before Europeans. Arab merchants conducted a significant portion of the trans-Saharan slave trade, while African kingdoms such as the Kingdom of Benin and the Kingdom of Dahomey participated in capturing and selling slaves.

Which group was responsible for slave trading in Africa long before the Europeans had arrived?


Who was to blame for the slave trade?

Slave trading started in Europe where then after a few centuries American found out what they have been doing. America didn't start it, but followed what the Europeans had started. The first of Slave trading started in Jamestown where it then grew to the rest of America

Why did the trade in African slave increase dramatically in the seventh century?

Arab Muslims and Europeans began trading these slaves.

How did europeans get the slave before Portugal established trading posts along the west African coast?

Through slave traders who brought slaves through the Sahara desert to the Mediterranean Sea.

The arrival of the Europeans?

The arrival of the European in the 15th and 16th century led to the slave trade. The Europeans traders were involved in the African kingdoms like Mali and Ghana because of their sophisticated trading networks.

Europeans established southern africa s coastal cities as?

Europeans established South African coastal cities as trading ports. This was especially common during the slave trade but was used for other commodities as well.

What location was slave trading outlawed by the Compromise of 1850?

In what location was slave trading outlawed by the Compromise of 1850?

How did Europeans justify using Africans as slaves?

ehh nig

How did the slave masters justify what they did?

They do did the always be like what do but they did and they see the is that were was it.

How did Europeans generally obtain slaves from Africa?

They purchased them from other tribes that captured the slaves for them. Europeans almost never captured their own slaves. They established trading arrangements with powerful African kingdoms. These powerful African groups did virtually all of the kidnapping and capturing, and sold the captives to European slavers at established slave trading ports on the coast. In East Africa the Arabs did most of the slave trading.