

How did God make his way from Asia Minor to Europe?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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I assume that the question is asking about how the conception of monotheism made its way from Asia Minor to Europe. To ask how God himself moved from Asia Minor to Europe forgets the entire omnipresent part of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic God's nature.

The first forays of Jews to Greece happened during the 300s and 200s B.C.E. as Jewish missionaries tried to bring the Old Testament covenantal structure to Greece. It did not find many converts because, although the idea of monotheism was compelling, circumcision, the Sabbath, and food restrictions made the Greeks reluctant to sign on.

When Peter and Paul began to evangelize nascent Christianity in Greece in the first century C.E., was when monotheism took up a more permanent residence in Greece, and from Greece to elsewhere in Europe. The two evangelists smartly decided to forgo the circumcision, Sabbath, and food restrictions, which blunted Greek resistance to monotheism.

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