

How did JFK really die?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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13y ago

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In the end, all forms of death can be called "heart failure" or "brain failure", take your pick. If Oswald's second shot, which came out his neck, had not killed him, the third shot certainly did, as it took out perhaps a third of his brain, spraying it forward and to the right. This cased the famous reverse "back and to the left". I think of a death as being the time the *person* is irretrievably lost. When his brain was exploded, the "circuitry" that held the pattern "John F. Kennedy" was obliterated.

Technically - John Fitzgerald Kennedy died from hypoxia - or lack of oxygen to the brain. The last shot that tore his scalp open (the reason that Jackie crawled out of the convertable becasue she saw and retrieved a small piece of Kennedy's skull) was not the most serious shot - it was the first shot that entered his upper back - went through his spinal chord and exited the knot in his tie. However the President died from the wound to his brain - as his brain was unable to promote oxygen to itself. However the cause of the hypoxia was a gunshot wound to the head. To be exact - all humans can ONLY die from hypoxia - when your brain simply stops working due to lack of oxygen. But there is always a cause for hypoxia that is used as the single determining cause of death. And death is defined as the complete and total lack of health.

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