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Malcolm X initially adopted the beliefs of the Nation of Islam, which promoted the idea that black people should defend their rights "by any means necessary" (including violence). He also felt that African Americans should return to Africa to separate themselves from whites. While at first he rejected the work of other civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King, Jr., later he felt that it was important to work with them.

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He stood up for himself and belived actions speak louder then words. And began to protest against racism.

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Q: How did Malcolm x fight racial discrimination?
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Which black leader opposed racial discrimination?

Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and various other black leaders opposed racial discrimination.

What were Malcolm xs obstacals to success?

Malcolm X faced many obstetrical including racial discrimination. He also had to face the poverty that was present within his family during his childhood.

What were the difficulties Malcolm X had?

Malcolm X was a civil right activist who was active in fighting racial discrimination. After the death of his father, he lived in several foster homes. He had a difficult life as a black teenager in a country where racial discrimination was rife. He dropped out of school when his teacher discouraged him from aspiring to become a lawyer. Malcolm would later engage in crime and drugs, and was arrested and received a sentence of 8-10 years.

What did Martin Luther King Jr fight against?

Martin Luther King fought to end discrimination against African Americans

Should you follow the example of Martin Luther King or Malcolm X when trying to tackle prejudice or discrimination?

I don't know that we have to choose between Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, since both of them have a certain amount of inspiration to offer with regard to the problems of racial prejudice.

Why did Malcolm X reject the goal of racial integration?

he was rascist

How did Malcolm x promote racial harmony?

because he was a BOSS

Who urged African Americans to fight back when attacked?

Malcolm X.

What are three symbols to represent Malcolm x?

The X: The letter "X" symbolizes the unknown or the lost identity of Malcolm X before he embraced Islam. It represents his rejection of his given name, Malcolm Little, which was a symbol of the oppression and slavery of his ancestors. The Glasses: Malcolm X's iconic glasses are a symbol of his intellectualism and keen insight. They represent his sharp and critical thinking, as well as his ability to see through societal injustices and systemic racism. The Fist: Malcolm X's raised fist is a symbol of Black power, resistance, and unity. It represents his commitment to self-defense and his advocacy for empowering the Black community to fight against racial discrimination and oppression.

Where does racial justice come from according to Malcolm x?

um from his speches basically yeah.

How did Malcolm x fight for Civil Rights?


What is Malcolm X's legacy?

``His main legacy was for black people to love themselves. Malcolm X was a leading social critic who argued that you cannot have true democracy in a society as long as you have racial suppression,'' said Turner, national chairman of the Malcolm X Commemoration Commission.