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There were uprising carried out by the Africans but the Europeans DID NOT stop the trade due to those circumstances. The trade was stopped because the powers realized that taking the African people from the very country that drew them out of the dark ages is'NT going to help them continue to progress. You must remember that Africa was a VERY rich continent, they needed to keep the crops coming to survive. This is why the scrambel for Africa occured. Africa was colonized, which in turn cause both World Wars due to the unfair division of colonial Africa for Germany. Japan allied with Germany to gain colonial power in Asia.

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9y ago

Slavery was ended in the US at the end of the Civil War. it was ended by the emancipation proclamation.

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12y ago

Black Slavery has not ended. In some parts of Africa and Aisa slavery is still going on. In some parts of Europe Slavery in the Sex industry is prelivant.

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Q: How was slavery ended in the us?
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The 13th Amendment officially ended the slavery in the US

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Nobody ended slavery in the US, in 1859. Slavery ended with the ratification of the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution, which 3/4 of the states ratified on December 6, 1865.

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The 13th Amendment to the US Constitution

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NO- Madison did not stop slavery in the US. Slavery was not ended until many years later.

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The Emaciation Proclamation began the end of slavery but it was formally outlawed by the Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution.

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There are no plantations in the US. Slavery ended January 1, 1863.

When did slavery officially end in the US?

slavery ended in 1750 - 1800 butt slavery is still around maybe. but just not in the U.S.

How did African-Americans live in the US after slavery ended?

Very carefully.

What completely ended slavery in the US?

The Emancipation Proclamation after the Civil War.