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When Martin Luther King was alive, he believe in Ghani's values of "non violence movements"; which he felt was the best way to make change. By doing non violence movements it shows the unfair, undemocratic ways that were being forced upon African Americans, women, and minorities. After Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated there was a social, often violent uproar. This went against King's values, and it would have upset him. From then on new programs were made that believed in using violent tactics because they were inpatient. For example black power, the black panthers, and etc began to cause trouble and violent uproars. This resulted in deaths, many people being imprisoned, and injured.

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So it got really started with Brown v. Board in Topeka. though the whole civil rights campaign started with sit ins, boycotting transportation, and church leaders got involved making the civil rights blow up into something larger than before. You can also look up the sad story of Emmet till the young boy who got murdered for basicly being an african american

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Q: How did civil rights tactics change during the 1960s?
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