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Q: How did colonists get English merchants to join to fight the stamp act of 1765?
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What effect did the Stamp Act have on the English merchants?


How did most British merchants respond to the colonists resistance to the Stamp Act?

they stamped around town

How did the English king react to the colonists' petition about the sugar and stamp acts?

The English King reacted to the colonists petition about the Sugar Act and Stamp Act by repealing the Stamp Act. Ben Franklin went and argued in front of English Parliament warning of a revolution.

How was the stamp act different from earlier taxes imposed on british colonies?

The Stamp Act directly affected the colonists; taxes prior to the Stamp Act were indirect taxes, paid only by merchants.

What did the colonists do to rebel against the stamp act?

The colonists were furious. Because the English government began taxing items that were transported from Great Britain, the colonists refused to buy any products. Very soon, the English government had to stop the stamp act, or go bankrupt.

Did the British parliament repeal the Stamp Act?

Yes, the British repealed the Stamp Act because the colonist had been protesting and boycotting British goods. Subsequently, the merchants' profits were lessening, so they merchants convinced parliament in Britain to repeal the Stamp Act. However, soon after, parliament passes the Declaratory Act which stated that they could still tax the colonists on whatever they pleased. Even though they repealed the Stamp Act, they were trying to tell the colonists they wouldn't get away with everything.

How did the colonists fight the stamp act and what was the result?

The colonists fought The Stamp Act by boycotting the Bristish that made them loose their jobs in the colonies. A few results from this crisis was the Townshend Acts, and the protests in Britian forced Parliament to power property taxes.

Why was he stamp act bad?

Unlike the Sugar Act, which only affected merchants, the Stamp Act affected all colonists by placing a tax on all legal documents such as diplomas, contracts and wills. These documents had to carry as stamp showing the tax had been paid. The colonists were angry due to the fact new taxes had been placed on them, once again. ~Drayven~

What was the British merchants response to the colonist resistance to the stamp act?

The colonists did not want to be taxed. In retaliation, the British government enacted even more taxes and rules for the colonists.

Why did the colonists fear the stamp act?

The Colonists feared the Stamp Act because they did not have much money, and because the Stamp Act was based on many of the Colonists daily uses.

What did the stamp act place tax upon?

The stamp act placed an English tax on American colonists and forced them to pay tax on printed sheets of paper.

Why did the British end the Stamp Act?

The British government took away the stamp act because the Colonists were protesting. The colonists started to destroy lots of things until they found their way. They captured British stamp makers and killed them. The colonists started boycotts against British goods. Then, the British merchants started to complain to king George about how their not going to do business anymore. So, king George took away the stamp act.