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Q: How did early explorers navigate their ships?
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How did explorers in the early 1400s navigate ships?

really easy

What are the two major things that would've helped the early explorers navigate their ships across the ocean?

Compass helped the explorers

What types of food did early explorers have on their ships?


What didn't help the early Europe explorers navigate?

Well the early explorers wont need a compass if they had an atlas because if the had one it will be easy just as the compass to figure out where they were by using the map

Did the European explorers ship design change?

yes it did because before they used to have small ships to navigate so they built bigger ships like cargo's to go on explorations.

What was the transport used by early explorers to get to Antarctica?

Ships were - and still are - used to travel to the continent.

Why did the early explorers carry chickens and goats on board there ships?

so that they would have fresh meat milk and eggs.

How do ships navigate?

Modern ships navigate by use of GPS units and computers. In past times, mariners used visual aids like a sextant to navigate using the stars and sun.

What is the ability to guide ships at sea?


How did the European explorers get to Canada?


How did technogical advances help early explorers?

Technological advances helped early explorers by providing them with improved navigation tools such as maps, compasses, and astrolabes. In addition, advances in shipbuilding allowed for the creation of stronger, more seaworthy vessels that could withstand long ocean voyages. These innovations enabled explorers to venture further and more accurately chart their journeys.

What countries did the early explorers come from?

The early explorers come from Italy, Spain, and France.