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According to Mangion (1999) since the Unification of Italy it's government was so weak that it failed drastically to please its people. The majority population especially the the middle class who owned the most means of production remained poor and unsuccessful in their businesses . During the first 20 years of the 20th century there were frequent riots and strikes during which Italian workers had occupied the factories. The government had failed to maintain peace, order and to control the upheavals that where bedevilling Italy by the time. This opened room for Benito Mussolini to rise to power since 1919 in which he began to rule in 1922.

By meaning Fascism simply means totalitarian Dictatorship where all the neccessities are controlled by the state including schools, economy, but to mention a few.This brought both positivity and negativity in Italy.Since it led to employment creation due to road net works construction which was also a light effect, railway construction, it also led to economic rise due to the increase in the production of corn ,cultivation of land improved drastically and the introduction of irrigation schemes to irrigate marshes etc.However viewing such issues under a microscopic diagnosis or under sacronise the fascist regime turned Italy into an authoritarian state with Mussolini as (il Duce) The absolute leader.Millitarism was Mussolini's belief and it was a high place, praised with warfare as the highest peak of human endeavour hence this created a lot of enemies to Italy for example the bombing of Corfu in 1923 and invasion of Abyssinia's in 1935. All this increased tension between Italy and other members of the league of nations resulting to the inevitability of the war....which out took in 1945 the second world war . all these can be analysed and scrutinised to come up with a good essay.THANK YOU.

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Fascism was denigrated and stripped human dignity because it voided people of its self determination and freedom of choice. Thus, this made society an object of the state. This also made humans objects of exploitation and hard labor.

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concentration camps die hard belief in leaders

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