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With anger.

They greatly resented being turned into unpaid slave-catchers, and this brought many new recruits to the cause of Abolitionism.

'Uncle Tom's Cabin' was written as a protest against the Act.

It drove the two sides further apart, and was a major cause of the Civil War.

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Very badly - it was the biggest cause of the failure of the Compromise of 1850.

Under this Act, members of the public had to report anyone who looked as though they might be a runaway slave, on pain of a heavy fine. Ordinary citizens strongly resented being treated as unpaid slave-catchers, and of course it stirred up the Abolitionists in particular. One of them was Harriet Beecher Stowe, who wrote 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' out of fury at the new Act. This best-selling book encouraged the setting-up of the Underground Railroad - the system of safe-houses by which fugitive slaves could be smuggled into Canada.

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Q: How did northerners respond to the fugitive slave act?
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What laws punished northerners who assisted escaped slaves?

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Laws punished northerners who assisted escaped slaves?

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What act required northerners to capture runaway slaves?

The Fugitive Slave Law.

How did the the fugitive slave act of 1850 anger northerners?

They didn't like being turned into unpaid slave-catchers.

How was the Compromise of 1850 similar to the fugitive slave act?

The Fugitive Slave act was part of the Compromise of 1850. The compromise of 1850 said any new states would be free states as long as they passed the fugitive slave act. This act made Northerners turn in runaway slaves.

How did some northerners respond to the fugitive slave act?

Some northerners responded to the Fugitive Slave Act by actively resisting its enforcement, such as participating in the Underground Railroad to help enslaved individuals escape to freedom. Others criticized the law as a violation of their principles and refused to comply with it, leading to tensions between northern states and the federal government. Additionally, some northerners organized protests and demonstrations to voice their opposition to the law.

What two parts of the Compromise of 1850 appealed most to Northerners?

Northerners were most pleased that California was admitted as a free state. The south was pleased that the fugitive slave act REQUIRED assistance in capturing runaway slaves or face imprisonment.

Why did fugitive slave act anger northerners?

It angered Northerners, because they were forced to return slaves that had escaped back to their owners in the South.

How did notherners respond to the fugitive slave act?

Many northerners opposed the Fugitive Slave Act and refused to comply with it. Some actively worked against it by harboring escaped slaves and participating in the Underground Railroad. They viewed the law as immoral and inhumane, and it contributed to the growing tensions between the North and the South leading up to the Civil War.

Why did northerners support the fugitive slave act?

Northerners supported the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 to maintain the fragile union between the North and South. Many believed it was a necessary compromise to prevent secession and avoid further conflict over slavery. Additionally, some northerners believed in upholding the Constitution, which included provisions for the return of escaped slaves.

What unintended effect did the fugitive slave act have on northerners?

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 intensified opposition to slavery in the North by requiring northerners to assist in the capture and return of escaped slaves. This led to heightened tensions between pro- and anti-slavery factions, as many people in the North resented being forced to participate in the enforcement of slavery. The act also sparked a wave of resistance and defiance, with some northerners aiding fugitive slaves in their escape.

What did some northerners defied the fugitive slave act?

Some northerners defied the Fugitive Slave Act by harboring fugitive slaves, helping them escape to free states or Canada, or participating in the Underground Railroad, a network of safe houses and secret routes for escaping slaves. These individuals believed in the immorality of slavery and chose to actively resist laws that supported it.