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They said the cotton trade, America's biggest export, couldn't survive without it.

They said blacks were better-off in America than they would be if they'd stayed in Africa.

They said that blacks were simple, happy folk who didn't want responsibilities, and weren't fit for them anyway.

They said that slavery was a perfect, God-given arrangement of master and man, and that the Almighty would end slavery when He saw fit.

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Q: How did slaveholders justify slavery?
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How do you think slaveholders were able to justify slavery to themselves?

Slaveholders often justified slavery by viewing slaves as property rather than people, citing economic reasons to maintain the institution, portraying slaves as inferior and in need of guidance, and using religious or cultural beliefs to justify their actions. Additionally, societal norms and customs at the time perpetuated and supported slavery, making it easier for slaveholders to rationalize their actions.

What argument was used by slaveholders to justify the institution of slavery?

it was critical for the south's agricultural economy.

How did southern slaveholders justify their actions?

the Underground Railroad.

What two ways did southern slaveholders view slavery?


What did slaveholders justified their ownership of slaves by claiming?

slavery was common in the bible

Who wanted slaveholders to be compensated for their loss when slavery ended?

todrode didit.

Why did the free soilers object to slavery?

Freelanders objected to slavery because they believed it was morally wrong to enslave another human being, that it violated the principles of equality and human rights. They also argued that allowing slavery to expand into new territories would threaten the economic opportunities of free white laborers.

Many slaveholders justified their ownership of slaves by claiming?

slavery was common in the Bible

What is the opposite of abolitionists?

The opposite of abolitionists would be slaveholders, or those who were pro-slavery.

Why did slaveholders begin defending slavery in racial terms in the 1830's?


Why did slaveholders convince poor white slavery was justified?

Slaveholders convinced poor whites that slavery was justified by instilling a sense of superiority in them, based on race. By promoting the idea that poor whites were still better off than enslaved black individuals, slaveholders could maintain control over both groups and prevent potential solidarity or uprisings against the institution of slavery. This divide and conquer tactic reinforced social hierarchy and preserved the status quo.

How did Aristotle justify slavery?

Aristotle justified slavery by arguing that some people were naturally suited to be slaves due to their inferior intellectual and moral abilities. He believed that slavery was necessary for society to function smoothly, with different classes of people assigned to different roles based on their abilities. Aristotle viewed slaves as natural inferiors who required guidance and supervision from their masters.