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In Philadelphia, on July 4th the Declaration of Independence was signed. This signaled that the 13 American colonies were no longer part of Great Britain.

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Q: How did the American colonies announce freedom from England in 1776?
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The colonies won their freedom from?

The American colonies won their freedom from England.

Why did the glorious Revolution in England lead to uprising in the American Colonies?

It broke up New England into colonies which resulted in more freedom and salutary neglect

What caused the split between the American colonies and England?

The French and Indian War and its aftermath.

Why do people like to start their new lives in colonies?

Often immigrants sought new lives in foreign colonies such as the American ones because they were attempting to escape poverty or religious persecution. In England, Puritans and Pilgrims wanted religious freedom and the American colonies provided more freedom then England did. The American colonies also seemed like good places for new farming ventures. This brought people from various parts of Europe to the American colonies.

What famous American convinced Casimir Pulaski to support the colonies against England in their fight for freedom during the American Revolution?

George Washington

How much freedom was there in the new England colonies?

freedom there was very little

What threatened the newly won freedom of the American colonies?

English colonies

Who did The US earn it's freedom from?

The former British colonies earned their freedom from the British.

How would it be the disadvantages for the American colonies to stay with England?

If the American colonies were to stay in England, America would not be the same. The 13 colonies were the first to allow religious freedom and have religious tolerance as proven in some as history's greatest document such as Mayflower Compact and Maryland's Tolerance. Also if the American colonies were to stay in England there wouldn't be the democratic system of government we have today because the colonies sprouted a system of government called The House of Burgess es which was the start of a representative government which lead to our country today.

What were some benefits the new England colonies had?

Freedom to practice your religion

What the settlers come to the middle colonies?

They wanted freedom from their ruler in England.

What was the agreement signed by England giving the colonies their freedom?

The Declaration of Independence