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The Klu Klux Klan implemented white supremacy in the south during the reconstruction period through the means of terrorism and political machinations.

As a result of their ignorance, brutality, and lawlessness, the KKK succeeded in raising the awareness of the disparities of segregation and denial of civil rights to a wider American public. Their actions to "protect" the rights of a very small minority (their own, regardless of their rhetoric they do not represent the ideals of the majority of white Americans) at the expense of everyone else's rights is the antithesis of the foundation of the US. If you throw out the Bill of Rights, what do you have? Not the United States of America.

That's the America that allows them the right to their opinions, meetings, costumes, publications, and demonstrations. They have the rights to all of these freedoms, but not at the expense of others' freedoms.

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14y ago
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15y ago

The Ku Klux Klan was originally a social fraternity, organized by Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest, the first Grand Wizard of the Empire, in 1867. The purpose of the KKK soon developed into a paramilitary force used to oppose the Republican governments set up in the old Confederate States and used to stop Freedmen (ex-slaves) from voting, attempting to register to vote, and from trying to hold elective offices in the southern states. When the KKK became too violent, Forrest ordered it disbanded, but the violent element in the KKK continued, until the government passed the Force Acts and the Klan was extinguished in 1872. In 1915, William Simmons founded the twentieth-century version of the KKK after viewing the film, Birth of a Nation, which glorified the history of the Klan. The new Klan was not only anti black, but anti Jewish, anti foreign, and anti-Catholic. The Klan actually became a respected part of the Democratic Party and reached its peak of political power in the 1920s, when membership may have been as high as 4.5 million, including many prominent business and political leaders. The Klan declined in power when the Grand Dragon, was found guilty of second degree murder in the death of a young women whom he had taken to Chicago with him. In an attempt to lessen his sentence, Grand Dragon David Stephenson turned over evidence to the government revealing the corruption of the Klan, the names of politicians the Klan had bribed, and other illegal activities of the organization. In the 1960s, the KKK briefly rose again to try and opposed the Civil Rights Movement. After numerous deaths and disappearance of civil rights workers in the South, and the burning of black churches, and the passage of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965, the Klan fell apart. Today, there are small splinter groups of the KKK but no one large national organization.

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14y ago

The Ku klutz Klan were a white extremest group in America, when segregation was still around. They burnt black peoples property, beat up Black people and would hang them without trial if they did something wrong. They made Black people feel more insecure than they already did and killed many of them for minor reasons.

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16y ago

A vile group that passed itself off a patriotic community service group. Its most evil elements still exist in US society as White Supremacists.

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10y ago

They totally affect how we live today. We have people who are still racist and people who still truley dont believe blacks and whites are not the same.

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11y ago

The effect the KKK has had on America as a whole is simple hate crimes discized as clubs aka organizations are the blood bath of human rights and people of color.

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12y ago

The KKK affected the US adversely.

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