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it made the government stronger and helped the leadership

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Q: How did the Russian revolution help cause the rise of communism in russia?
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How did the Russian revolution cause the rise of communism?

It is difficult to answer this question without knowing what about the rise of Communism you are asking. Its rise was often gradual: Communism became a force in different countries at different times, and for different reasons. If you can provide further information about your question, we can try to respond to it.

What was one cause of the revolution of Russia?

The Bolshevik Revolution was mainly an anti-war movement, in revolt against Russian involvement in WW I.

Who was the Russian revolutionary leader who was sent to Russia in a sealed train?

Vladimir Lenin was sent back to Russia by the German government in April 1917 in the hopes that he would disrupt the Russian war effort or even cause a revolution to get Russia out of the war.

What was one cause of revolution in Russia?


How were the cause of the Russian revolution of 1905 and the Russian revolution of 1917 similar?

Answer this question…Both revolutions stemmed from frustration with the czarist system.

What was 1 cause of the Russian revolution?

world war one :)

Why was the Kremlin important during the Second Russian Revolution?

cause he was

What were the causes of discontent among the peasants workers and intelligentsia that led to the Russian Revolution of 1917?

The main cause was Russia's participation in Great War. Results of war were disastrous for Russia due to incompetence of Tsar Nicholas II and his government.

How were the Russian Revolution and World War 1 linked?

The Russian Revolution and World War I were linked as "effect" and "partial cause". The exhausting war-effort brought added stress to the already tense national situation in Russia. When the Communists made their move for power in 1917, the war-exhaustion contributed to their success.

What was one cause of the outbreak of the Red Scare?

The Revolution In Russia

An important cause of the American hysteria of 1919?

bolshevik revolution in russia

Where was Lenin when the 1917 revolution began?

Lenin was in Switzerland when the February 1917 revolution broke out. He was taken completely by surprise that it had happened as were virtually all of the various Russian revolutionaries. This was because that revolution was not a planned event. The uprising began as a spontaneous uprising by the people in St. Petersburg as they suffered with shortages of food due to World War I and the Russian Tsarist government's inability or unwillingness to take care of its people. The German High Command wanted Russia out of the war, so it transported Lenin from Switzerland through Finland to Russia in the hope that Lenin would cause a revolution which would take Russia out of the war. It worked.