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Imagine two big gangs,

Franz Ferdinand gets shot, Austria threaten's Serbia with invasion if her demands are not met, Serbia is friends with Russia

Russia offers help is Serbia gets invaded

Germany offers help to Austria if the Russains aid Serbia

Russia is allied with France

Germany is allied with Turkey

So Austria invaded Serbia, Russia declares war on Austria, Germany declares war on Russia, France gets involved,

So as you can see the two big alliances designed so there could never big a big war failed, because once war was declaired all sides had to back there own alliance.

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The Triple Alliance (Germany, Austo-Hungary and Italy) could start a war with the Triple Alliance (France,Britain and Russia) as an alliance is where you back up the countries that are in your alliance. For example if Russia were to declare war on Germany then Britain and France would stick by them, therefore it would be the same in the Triple Alliance- Austro-Hungary and Italy would stick by Germany.

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Q: How did the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente lead to the start of World War 1?
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In 1903 the British French and Russians formed an alliance called?

Triple Entente.

What day did the triple entante and triple alliance start?

The Triple Entente began in 1907. The Triple Alliance was signed in 1882.

Who were the leaders of the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente in World War 1?

Taking into consideration World War I from start to finish, the clear leaders of the Triple Alliance (or, Triple Entente) were the nations of France and Great Britain. Imperial Russia was another major nation in the Alliance until being knocked out late in the war, while the United States became a major "associate" in 1917.

What banded together to form the triple alliance?

The Triple Alliance in 1913, shown in red.The Triple Alliance was the military alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, (as opposing the Triple Entente which consisted of an alliance between Britain, France and Russia), that lasted from 1882[1] until the start of World War I in 1914.[

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If i'm correct, they were both the same thing. Because the Triple Entente became the Triple Alliance when Russia backed out of the war, adn American came in. From then on, they were called the Allies, where as the Central Powers was Italy, Austria, and somewhere else I cant think of off the top of my head, I hope this helped

Who were in the triple entente at the start of world ar 1?

The French, The United Kindom and Russia!

What is triple entente 1907?

An Entente is a kind of alliance that is an agreement not to attack each other. The Triple Entente was made up of France, Britain and Russia. The Entente Powers fought the Central Powers during World War I.

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Because they could not just start a war with was as there was a thing called the triple entente which was an alliance between Russia England and France

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Italy left the Triple Alliance at the start of WWI because they were not prepared for the conflict but later joined the Triple Entente because they really wanted terroritory that currently belonged to their former ally Austria-Hungary

Name the two alliances that Europe was divided into at the start of World War 1?

The first alliance was the Triple Entente which was made up of Great Britain, France, and Russia with the United States joining around the end of the war. The second was the Central Powers, also known as the Triple Alliance. The Central Powers was made up of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire.

What factors contributed to the start of world war 1 in Europe?

1. Previous wars between France and Germany (Franco-Prussian war of 1871). 2. Annexation of Bosnia by Austro-Hungary 3. The Alliance system (Triple Alliance and Triple Entente). 4. The Moroccan crises (1904 and 1911). 5. The assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand by the Black Hand Gang

What was the triple entente concerned about?

The Triple Entente was formed in 1907 between Britain, France and Russia. It wasn't an official alliance. They just all agreed to try to work together. They were concerned that Germany was getting to be aggressive (such as expanding the navy and wanting an empire), and thought they'd be best facing them if they were all together. In short, they were concerned that a war might start because of Germnay, and didn't want to be vulnerable if it did start.